0,0,"Potpourri" 0,1,"Explain" 0,2,"Menu updating (for adding, changing and deleting menu screens)" 0,3,"DOS Commands" 0,4,"Personal Secretary" 0,5,"Relaxation" 0,6,"Execute Programs" 1,0,"Explain" 1,1,"How menu program works" 1,2,"How to add menus or additional entries to a menu" 1,3,"Appointment Calendar" 1,4,"Computer Science Calculator" 1,5,"Pocket Calculator" 1,6,"Create and play songs" 1,7,"Doodle" 1,8,"Executing programs" 2,0,"Menu Changes" 2,1,"Add a menu line to main (Potpourri) menu" 2,2,"Change menu line on the main (Potpourri) menu" 2,3,"Add an entry to an existing menu" 2,4,"Change entry on existing menu" 2,5,"Delete entry from an existing menu" 3,0,"DOS Commands" 3,1,"Change directory/display directories (tree of all directories)" 3,2,"Create a directory" 3,3,"Remove a directory (files must be deleted prior to remove directory)" 3,4,"Select/display files from current directory (highlighted on screen)" 3,5,"Display or Print selected file" 3,6,"Copy selected file to different directory" 3,7,"Copy selected file to floppy disk" 3,8,"Delete selected file" 3,9,"Disk copy from current directory to floppy disk" 3,10,"Disk copy from floppy disk to hard disk (current directory)" 3,11,"Format floppy disk" 3,12,"Display system configuration and DOS version" 3,13,"Check disk" 4,0,"Personal Secretary" 4,1,"Turn clock chimes off" 4,2,"What's the time?" 4,3,"Display current month calendar" 4,4,"Display calendar other months" 4,5,"Need appointment calendar" 4,6,"Print current year calendar" 4,7,"Print next year calendar" 4,8,"List a file" 4,9,"Computer Science Calculator" 4,10,"Pocket Calculator" 5,0,"Relax" 5,1,"Create a song (place notes into a song file)" 5,2,"Play a song (uses the song file created by you)" 5,3,"Relax and enjoy" 5,4,"Maze & Blind Mouse" 5,5,"Doodle" 6,0,"Execute Programs" 6,1,"Change directory/display directories" 6,2,"Select/display files from current directory" 6,3,"Execute displayed program" 6,4,"Keyin input file - execute displayed program" 6,5,"Keyin input and output files - execute displayed program" 6,6,"Keyin program name - execute with displayed input file" 6,7,"Keyin program and output file - execute with displayed input"  fz#?b{9a $p;W"5Ol3Fi,:R~F=N