Disk No: 835 Disk Title: Multifile PC-SIG Version: S2.7 Program Title: Multifile Author Version: 2.4 Author Registration: $10.00 Special Requirements: None. MULTIFILE is a memory-resident database program designed specifically for mailing labels, membership files, or small inventories. It is a menu-driven utility that arranges your data into one to six equally-spaced columns which can then be used for lists, mailing labels, envelopes, or printouts on paper for windowed envelopes. Columns can be sorted so data will appear in alphabetical or numerical order. The totals for each column can be calculated and printed. Other corresponding columns can be sorted by one particular column. You can delete, edit, or search for a particular entry. Each file can be saved or loaded from the disk. Two sample files are included to help you become familiar with the program. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.