Disk No 741 Program Title: PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM version 3.0 PC-SIG version 3.0 PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM makes it convenient and easy for the user to enter and print purchase orders, and keep a record of all vendors. A list of vendors can be entered with their address and phone numbers, which can later be browsed, edited, or deleted. A vendor master list can be sent to the printer. When entering a purchase order, the screen is divided into several columns for the account number, quantity, unit, item description, and price. Outstanding purchase transactions can be printed out by account, vendor, or purchase order. Purchases received can be cleared immediately, and if a purchase transaction is accidentally cleared it can be uncleared for recall. New data files can be created and the data file indexes can be rebuilt at any time. This program will be found as quite useful for most business organizations. Usage: Business/Financial System Requirements: IBM-PC or close compatible, 2 disk drives, printer, and DOS 2.0 or higher. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $45.00 File Descriptions: README General Information File. FILES TXT File Descriptions. CONFIG SYS System Configuration File. ORDERS DTA PURCHASE ORDER File (Created & Deleted by System). ORDERS IDX PURCHASE ORDER Index (Created & Deleted by System). PURCHASE COM Main PURCHASE ORDER Program. PURCHASE 000 Overlay File. PURCHASE DTA PURCHASE ORDER Vendor File (Created during initialization). PURCHASE IDX PURCHASE ORDER Vendor Index (Created during initialization). PURCHASE SYS PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM File (Created during initialization). TRANS DTA Transactions File (Created during initialization). TRANS IDX Transactions Index (Created during initialization). MANUAL BAT Batch file to type MANUAL.TXT to printer. MANUAL TXT Manual for Purchase order System. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG Inc.