--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No 731 LOCATE v1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATE is a system for finding out which files contain which words. It consists of two programs INDEX and LOCATE. INDEX scans all of the files on a specified disk and builds an index. In the case of a hard disk INDEX will scan all directories and sub-directories automatically and LOCATE will return full path designations to find the files. LOCATE uses that index to make a list of files containing the specified keywords. The program does have some limitations. Length of words which it will recognize must be more 3 characters but not more than 7 (in words which are more than 7 characters long the extra characters are ignored ie; COMPLICATION and COMPLICITY would be regarded as the same word). To avoid this problem LOCATE allows more than one word to be specified for the search criteria. To match a file must have both words. COMMON Documentation DISCLAIM Documentation LICENSE Documentation WORDS Documentation NAMES Documentation FILES Documentation LOCATEOP Documentation LOCATREF Documentation DIRECTOR Documentation CAFR Documentation TESTDRIV Documentation INSTALL Documentation COPYRIGH Documentation INDEXREF Documentation TITLE Documentation LIMITS Documentation LOCATE HLP One screen help file INDEX HLP One screen help file EXTENSIO HLP One screen help file WORDS HLP One screen help file PATH HLP One screen help file INDEXOP Documentation INDEX COM Main index program KEY INX Index created by index.com EXTENSIO INX Index created by index.com WORDS INX Index created by index.com MAP INX Index created by index.com ENTRY INX Index created by index.com LOCATE COM Main locate program FALSEHIT Documentation README Documentation PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG