Disk No 666 Program Title: STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE (SPL) PC-SIG version 3 The STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE (SPL) compiler takes an input source code and produces an ASCII file in BASIC that can be executed in BASICA or compiled using the BASIC compiler. SPL is a sort of mix between BASIC and PASCAL. It has the easy to use commands of BASIC and the structured architecture of PASCAL. This language has powerful commands that allow for the building of procedures, functions and structured programming blocks which are enclosed by BEGIN and END statements. SPL supports many IF THEN style programming codes as well as REPEAT WHILE commands. SPL also comes with graphics ability with excellent mathematical operators and strong string manipulation commands. In short, almost every command available in BASIC is also available in SPL, with a few additions. SPL handles arrays and disk input and output routines. Those interested in a structured form of BASIC would be very interested in SPL; it offers an excellent way to create structured programs with a fair amount of ease and lessened toil. SPL comes complete with a user's manual which contains an error code list as well as feature index. This language is not intended for the novice computer operator. The author has also come out with a programming editor, written using the SPL language, called PREDITOR. Usage: Programming. System Requirements: A version of BASIC and a hard disk. How to Start: Call the author, Dennis Baer, for the password to uncrunch the manual: 516-694-5872. Suggested Registration: $50.00 -- $100.00 for SPL and $35.00 for PREDITOR. File Descriptions: SPL ARC Contains the complete Structured Programming Language system along with other SPL programs. SPZENPIC ARC Contains digitized picture for Zenith Z-100 owners with MSDOS or ZDOS and a monochrome monitor, ZBASIC, and color RAM. SPEGAPIC ARC Contains digitized picture for IBM or compatible owners who own a Thompson EGA Ultra, ATI Small Wonder EGA card or equivalent and a monchrome monitor. SPPRNPIC ARC Contains digitized picture for any MSDOS or PCDOS system who has an EPSON compatible printer with or without GRAPHTRAX. WARNING: This file expands to over 359K! and takes a while to print out. You need to cut and paste the picture together. ARC EXE Unarchiving program. COPYRITE TXT Copyrite information. SPLPRESS A press release. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987,88 PC-SIG, Inc.