Program Name: The Zuri Editor (v3.2) Author Name: J. Donald Monk Address: 2135 Goddard Place Boulder, Colorado 80303 Tel number: Not listed Suggested Donation: $15 - includes information about updates Send a disk and get the newest version from the author. Program Description: This diskette contains the editor, Zuri, and several other programs useful for working with the editor, or handling text files in general. All of the programs were written in Turbo Pascal on an IBM PC with 640K memory, monochrome display, Epson FX-100 printer. The Zuri editor will only operate on an IBM or compatible monochrome adapter. The CGA will not support Zuri. The Zuri editor has the following features: (1) It is very easy to use, intended for someone who easily forgets the common commands; (2) can edit as big a file as will fit into memory (maximum 480K in a 640K machine); (3) lines can be up to 225 characters, and lines longer than 75 characters are wrapped to the next line; (4) text macros can be defined; (5) reading and writing files are fast operations; (6) search and replace are available; (7) block commands are available; (8) lines are numbered on the screen. Memory requirement is at least 190K. With this memory, the maximum editable file is 32K. Each additional 32K memory adds that much to the maximum editable file, up to the maximum 640K giving a possible file size of 480K. In any case, no file is allowed to have more than 9999 lines. The editor cannot handle a file that has lines longer than 225 characters, and also fouls up if characters with ascii 7,8,10,13,26 are in the file (except to indicate end of line or end of file). The Zuri editor is powerful and easy to use. It should meet if not exceed all general purpose text editing needs. Those who desire an inexpensive text editor who own a monochrome monitor adapter will find Zuri extremely useful and valuable.