Program name: Landing Party (v1.0) Author name: Rick Pitel Address: 10416 NE 156th Street Brush Prairie, WA 98606 Tel number: Not listed Suggested donation: $10 - includes latest version and BASIC source code Program description: Landing Party is a fun, cute little adventure game in which the characters played during the game can be user defined. So any person, historical figure, family member, or television star can become one of your party. Your party consists of 5 crew members of a possible 30 people to chose from. Each person has a physical and mental history which is created upon picking a particular member to join your party. To be specific, your party is deserted on a plant searching for energy crystals to power your damaged ship. You chose five members of your crew to search on the plant. Once the party is selected, you are confronted with various enemies or friends upon which you must decide to shoot them, fight them, talk to them or retreat from them. Since this adventure is text based and menu driven it is simple to understand and hilarious play when friend's psychological profiles are placed into the character history file. If you and your party survive each encounter with the people of the planet, then you get your crystals and retreat back to your ship to safety. If you don't.... Landing Party has color text, but will run on a monochrome monitor and an IBM with at least one drive. Landing Party comes complete with documentation and menu files. Experiment with the default characters, then make a few of your own.