Program name: LOTUS 123 - THE WHITEROCK ALTERNATIVE Author name: Whiterock Alternative Address: P.O. Box 45458 Seattle WA, 98145 Suggested Donation: $15.00 for the shell. Other applications driven by the shell have separate compensation structures. Program Description: The Whiterock alternative is a Macro-based, menu-driven front end for LOTUS 123 designed to make 123 easier to use, and to provide worksheets derived for this environment with a common user interface. It is designed to boot up automa- tically when the Whiterock Alternative is placed in the drive after LOTUS 123 is powered up. The Whiterock shell takes over, and the user runs his appli- cations under the new environment. This disk also contains several worksheets designed to run under the Whiterock environment, including a library of useful macros that can be exported to use in new worksheets, an installment loan analyzer, a menu-driven mailing list database, a checkbook ledger with on-line budget cross-auditing, and a file to in job-costing by keeping track of hours spent on particular tasks. System requirements are an IBM PC or compatible with at least 256K (some appli- cations will require more memory that) and LOTUS 123. A printer is optional, but recommended, as is a second disk drive.