Program name: Soft-Touch P2.03 Author name: Martin D. Flynn Address: c/o Software Alternatives Corp. 1555 Burke Ave. Bldg K San Francisco, Calif. 94124 Telephone: (415) 641-1818 Suggested Donation: $23, Includes enhanced version, registration and limited phone support. Program Description: Soft-Touch is a very complex, if not practical program. The essential use of of the program is for programming keys with user keystrokes. Hence, the user could assign his name to the control-N key and thereafter be able to key in his name simply by typing control-N. Soft-Touch goes way beyond this simple example, however and ends up being sort of an executive shell with many capabilities. The major ones are: The ability to nest programmed keys. Hence, if a person's name was programmed into control-N and a person's address to control-M, the user could program a new key with control-N and control-M to obtain his name and address. Nesting is possible this way to 5 levels deep on the unenhanced version and 25 levels deep on the enhanced version. The use of a macro file to pre-define and save keystrokes. This file can be specified on the enhanced version, it is "Mcro.key" on the unenhanced version. This capability allows the user to save and recall his programmed keystrokes. It also alows the keystroke buffer to be packed by first saving the keystrokes, clearing the buffer and then recalling the keystrokes. The existence of a time delay function for screen use as well as time and date capabilities. The time delay function occurs in the form of a parameter option to Soft-touch and will automatically blacken the screen after a certain interval of idle time has elapsed at the keyboard. This is designed to prevent screen burn-out. A full span of time and date functions are available to return the year, month, day, hours, minutes or seconds. The ability to have a work buffer record all the keystrokes entered into the keyboard and the ability to play back these keystrokes. The purpose of this is to view and execute keystrokes before programming them to keys, but ends up being an extremely powerful device for placing your computer on automatic. If a file is edited, changed and then saved, for example; while the record mode is on, the exact same sequence of keystrokes and events can be re-done by playing back the work buffer. I don't really know how useful this would be for day-to-day programming, but for something like a demo, it would be great. The existence of programming varialbles along with Pause and Wait commands during playback. These alow the user to control the playback of the programmed key as well as enter data during playback into the programming. Hence if a file was to be renamed, Soft-touch may be programmed so that the file name will be asked for before the renaming takes place. The ability to re-program the escape sequence calling Soft-touch, so that Soft-touch will not interfere with any other memory resident's escape code. This ability is one of the parameter options of Soft-touch. Also, of course, there is the ability to inactivate Soft-touch and re-activate it from the keyboard, once it is installed Soft-touch if a very complete and well designed program for what it does, whether it is actually that much use to the average user cannot be said. It limitations are: 90 possible programmed keys with 3000 maximum keystrokes and 5 levels of nesting in the unenhanced version. Some functions are also not available in playback mode on the unenhanced version. Soft-touch requires DOS 2.0 to run.