The World Digitized file.txt vs 1.3 April 1987 The World Digitized is segregated into directories and into files within the directories for ease of use. First are some files of general or early interest kept directly under the root directory on Disk I. copyrite.txt - copyright & shareware info regstrtn.ltr - registration form file.txt - this file - an explanation of TWD tutorial.txt - a collection of problems using TWD install.bat - installation batch file. install1.bat - 2nd part of install. expand.bat - data base expander control file. mpstomp1.exe - shipping-to-ASCII file expander. mpstomp1.c - source of expander. Directories on Disk I Africa AF0 - coastlands AF1 - islands AF2 - lakes AF3 - political boundaries (includes Middle East) Antarctica AN0 - coastlands AN1 - islands Australia AU0 - coastlands AU1 - islands Au2 - lakes Southamerica with Central America and Caribbean SA0 - coastlands SA1 - islands SA2 - lakes SA3 - political boundaries Directories on Disk II Asia AS0 - coastlands AS1 - islands AS2 - lakes AS3 - political boundaries Europe E0 - coastlands E1 - islands E2 - lakes E3 - political boundaries Directory on Disk III Northamerica primarily Canada and Alaska NA0 - coastlands NA1 - islands NA2 - lakes NA3 - political boundaries USA0 - coastlands USA1 - islands Greenland GR0 - coastlands GR1 - islands PA1 - Hawaii and mid Pacific islands