----------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No 486 PROBLEMS and/or COMMENTS v1 DS2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TELISOLAR The Telisolar package is a program which provides the user with an easy, and fast method of evaluating energy-saving in the areas of hot water usage, building heating/cooling load, and solar collector design. It enables the average homeowner to make intelligent decisions about energy-related home improvements and/or investments. If you are using this program and find it to be of value, your contribution of $50 will be appreciated. Your donation entitles you to the following: 1. A letter quality printed manual with accompanying illustrations in a 3-ring binder. 2. Telephone support. 3. Inclusion on our mailing list for notification of bug fixes and new releases. 4. One free version upgrade. Send to: Tesseract Enterprises Limited PO Box 25966 Colorado Springs, Co 80936 (303) 594-6199