-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No 430 AnalytiCalc SYSTEM (Disk #1 of 3) v1.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnalytiCalc is a complete Spreadsheet/Database/Graphics/Word Processor program. It is written in FORTRAN, is quite fast and feature-full. For those who want an 'integrated' package without a high price. The complete system comes on three diskettes. This is disk #1 and is for an IBM-PC or clone limited to 256K memory. ANALY EXE Main program of Spreadsheet/DB/WP system ANALY TQT Tutorial on use of AnalytiCalc as spreadsheet ANALYTCL CRD Pocket Reference Card summary of cmds, functs AUTOEXEC BAT Demo Autoexec.bat that types AUXKPD.TXT to set up BIGANSI.SYS AUXKPD TXT File of escape sequences to initialize BIGANSI.SYS when typed BER PCC Business expense report template. BIGANSI SYS Modified ANSI.SYS that supports more defs than standard CONFIG SYS CONFIG.SYS that loads BIGANSI.SYS CPM EQE CP/M-86 SSDD disk read/write/etc. under MSDOS. Squeezed. DIFF DOC Intelligent differences between 2 text files (or saved sheets) DIFF EQE Squeezed executable (Use USQ to unsqueeze) DPATH30 COM DOS PATH command extension: handy to run ANALY off RAM disk DPATH30 DQC Squeezed documentation of above (Use USQ.EXE to unsqueeze) EDIT DQC Editor manual (condensed) for EDIT.EQE on Disk 2. Squeezed. GRF BAT Batch file that goes with GRF.CMD KEYPAD DOC Documentation on function key usage LSTX EXE A very fast text file editor with online help NOTICE TXT Documents new features and distribution policy/price PCCHELP HQP Online direct access HELP file PIE BAS Piechart program for sections of AnalytiCalc spreadsheets SCRNCOLR AQM source code for SCRNCOLR.COM SCRNCOLR DOC Documentation for SCRNCOLR.COM SCRNCOLR COM Program to change screen colors.