REM This is a sample of the commands that would be added to the REM AUTOEXEC.BAT file to execute PC-DeskTeam. REM REM Add the following command if you are using a monochrome monitor on REM a graphics card: MODE BW80 REM Add the following commands to run PC-DeskTeam on a diskette system: A:DESKTEAM /M REM Add the following commands if you want to run the CALENDAR program: ECHO OFF A:CALENDAR ECHO ON REM Add the following commands to run PC-DeskTeam on a hard disk system: CD C:\DESKTEAM DESKTEAM /M ECHO OFF CALENDAR ECHO ON REM If you are using a printer on a serial port add the following comamnds REM to your file: (It assumes COM1 at 2400 baud) MODE COM1:2400,N,7,2,P MODE LPT1:=COM1