------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk No 368 Flash Cards: Vocabulary and Spelling v1 DS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the second of the 4-disk set of the Educational Package: Flash Cards with 7,500-Word Vocabulary Builder and Spelling Teacher. This disk contains the vocabulary file for the second part of the alphabet (de-in), the source code, in BASIC, for the main Flash Card program, the same source code as documentation giving excellent overall and line-by-line comments, and the two files of flags to indicate words missed. CARDS Vocabulary words and definitions (de-in) FLASH BAS Main Flash Cards program, in BASIC REMARKS BAS FLASH.BAS comments for documentation SFLAG Flags for missed spelling words FLAG Flags for missed vocabulary words PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG) 1030 E Duane, Suite J Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 iss