San Francisco PC Users Group:     S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
Volume 157:  TURBO PASCAL/3   (programs and utilities -- various authors)

This is a DOUBLE-SIDED diskette.

Index   Name           Description

157.01  CHAPTER1.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 1
157.02  CHAPTER2.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 2
157.03  CHAPTER3.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 3
157.04  CHAPTER4.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 4
157.05  CHAPTER5.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 5
157.06  CHAPTER6.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 6 incompl.
157.07  CHAPTER7.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 7
157.08  CHAPTER8.PAS   Source code "Software Tools in Pascal", Ch. 8
157.09  TOOLU   .PAS   ^$Included by each CHAPTER#.PAS file
157.10  SHELL   .PAS   Program for using the routines in "CHAPTER#" above
157.11  INITCMD .PAS   ^$Included by SHELL.PAS
157.12  TURBTOOL.DOC   ^Documentation -- READ IT
157.13  LASTCOM .PAS   Resident program to bring back last ten DOS commands
157.14  WINDOW  .INC   ^Window handler used by LASTCOM.PAS
157.15  PFORMAT .PAS   Pretty FORMATter for printing TURBO programs
157.16  PFORMAT .DOC   ^Documentation
157.17  PLIST   .PAS   Program Lister -- lists $Include files, too.
157.18  TADPC   .INC   ^$Included time and date routines for PC
157.19  TADBB   .INC   ^$Included time and date for "BigBoard II"
157.20  TADFORM .INC   ^$Included time and date format routines
157.21  REGSAVE .INC   INLINE code to save registers
157.22  REGRSTOR.INC   INLINE code to restore registers
157.23  STRNGLIB.INC   Library of additional STRING routines -- comprehensive
157.24  STRNGLIB.DOC   ^Documentation
157.25  THELP   .COM   Resident HELP WINDOW for TURBO Pascal
157.26  THELP   .DOC   ^Documentation
157.27  NOBAK   .PAS   Patcher to stop TURBO from creating .BAK files
157.28  TPATCH  .PAS   Patcher for PROGRAMS compiled under TURBO
157.29  TPATCH  .DAT   ^Data for four patches -- serves as documentation
157.30  TURBO   .PAT   How to patch Z80 TURBO programs for your terminal
157.31  TURBO20 .BUG   DEBUG script for floating-point bug in TURBO.COM, v2.0
157.32  TURBOCLR.DOC   How to stop TURBO progs clearing screen at start
157.33  TURBOCLR.ZAP   ^Applies the above patch w/ PC-ZAP (Vol. 70)
157.34  TURBOFIX.PAS   Auto-patch to remove certain terminal control codes
157.35  WINDMNGR.INC   Window Manager routines
157.36  WINDMNGR.DOC   ^Documentation
157.37  PRINTMAN.BAT   ^Prints documentation for WINDMNGR.INC
157.38  WINDMNGR.TXT   ^How to print documentation WINDNGR.INC
157.39  VAR     .INC   ^Associated file --> change here for monochrome <--
157.40  GROWWIN .INC   ^Associated file
157.41  DEMODEFS.INC   ^Associated file
157.42  WINDODEF.PAS   ^Associated file
157.43  DEFDEMO .PAS   ^Demonstration program
157.44  GROWDEMO.PAS   ^Demonstration program
157.45  WINDDEMO.PAS   ^Demonstration program
157.46  WRITELIN.INC   Replaces TURBO "WriteLn" procedure -- faster.
157.47  WRITEXY .INC   Write at location X,Y
157.48  WRITE   .DOC   ^Documentation for WRITELIN.INC & WRITEXY.INC
157.49  DEMO    .PAS   ^Demonstration of the above two
157.50  VARS    .INC   ^$Included by DEMO.PAS