Disk No: 2087 Disk Title: Fictionary PC-SIG Version: 1.0 Program Title: Fictionary Author Version: 1.2 Author Registration: $15.00 Special Requirements: None. What is the definition of construpate? Could be "to shake violently." Then again it might be "to rip open - to open by ripping the belly." Wrong again it's "to violate or debauch! " Sounds like fiction but it's actually FICTIONARY, a game of strange and unusual words designed by Steve Estvanik. FICTIONARY can be played in two ways - either as a group where you try to fool each other into choosing the incorrect definition or individually, where the game becomes a vocabulary guessing game. Playing as a group brings out the best playability in this program. Receive points for either selecting the correct definition or by having someone select your definition. You decide the final number of points needed to finish a game. Easy to use menus make playing FICTIONARY a breeze. Load FICTIONARY on any IBM or compatible and the fun begins. Having a free pencil and piece of paper around may also come in handy. During each round of play, the word-giver sees the actual definition, then enters a paraphrase. The others see only the word and make up their own definitions. All players then vote for the definition they think is correct. If this appears similar to the board game Haberdash, it is, you now have the assistance of the computer. A great party game, FICTIONARY will test both your intelligence and creativity. Adults will appreciate the difficulty. Children may find the words too difficult to enjoy. Nonetheless, hours of fun await those who dare to take the challenge. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.