WINE CELLAR NOTE: This is a SHAREWARE VERSION of WINE CELLAR (ver. 1.52). Give copies to your friends! BUT: If you find WINE CELLAR to be useful, please send $25, and your suggestions for improving WINE CELLAR to: KCS SOFTWARE 927 MEARS COURT STANFORD, CA 94305-1041 (C) Copyright 1986, 1987 KCS SOFTWARE 927 Mears Court Stanford, CA 94305-1041 (415) 493-7210 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. ORGANIZING YOUR WINE CELLAR CHAPTER 2. MAKE A WORKING COPY OF WINE CELLAR CHAPTER 3. MAIN MENU CHAPTER 4. ENTER DATA ON YOUR WINES CHAPTER 5. CORRECT YOUR WINE LIST CHAPTER 6. DELETE LISTINGS FOR YOUR WINES CHAPTER 7. SEARCH YOUR WINE CELLAR CHAPTER 8. PRINT A LIST OF YOUR WINES BY NUMBER CHAPTER 9. SUBJECT INDEX CHAPTER 1. ORGANIZING YOUR WINE CELLAR You obviously enjoy good wines, and you want to evaluate your wines when you drink them, and keep a permanent record of your evaluations. WINE CELLAR is ideal for storing and updating records on your wines, and more importantly, for searching and printing your records. With WINE CELLAR you can search for any of the data fields, e.g., variety of wine, color, vintage year, winery, etc. (see below for a list of all fields), and print them to the screen or to a printer. You can also print out the list by number (all or part of the list). Before a party, just consult your own Wine List, and make the appropriate selection. The data fields and their sizes are: 1. Name of winery (30 spaces) 2. Variety of wine (30 spaces) 3. Color of wine (R/W/B/RO) (2 spaces) 4. Vintage year (as 85) (2 spaces) 5. Where grown (25 spaces) 6. Where bottled (25 spaces) 7. Date bought (as 0785) (4 spaces) 8. Cost (as 99.99) (5 spaces) 9. Percent alcohol (as 12.5) (4 spaces) 10. In cellar? (Y/N) (1 space) 11. Comments (78 spaces) (Total spaces: 206) A sample printout for WINE CELLAR is listed below. The first listing is the wine bottle number (automatically assigned by the computer), the remaining listings are for data fields 1 - 11, listed above. 104 HEITZ CELLARS CABERNET SAUVIGNON R 67 MARTHA'S VINEYARD ST. HELENA, CA 0681 $8.50 12.5% N 8/27/85, GOOD NOSE, ASTRINGENT, FULL BODIED, EXCELLENT If there is some item of information about a wine that you want to save, but it is not listed above as one of the data-field names, you can enter it in the COMMENTS line. The SEARCH routine will find it there. There are many ways to organize a WINE CELLAR, so let us explain how this one is organized. Each bottle of wine is numbered consecutively. Use "TIME" label tape or adhesive tape and a waterproof marker pen, and label the end of each bottle with numbered tape. You don't have to enter these numbers into the computer, because the computer keeps track of the numbers for you. Now enter the data on all of your wines. 1-1 After you drink a bottle of wine, write down the date and your COMMENTS on that wine so that you can enter this information into the computer when convenient. At that time you will also change data field No. 10 from Y to N , i.e., the wine is no longer in your cellar. Since all of the wines are numbered consecutively, as you drink up wines you will need to occasionally move your wine bottles up to the front to fill the spaces in your cellar so that you can buy more wines. There may be an interim time when you don't want to reposition all of your wines to fill in the gaps in your cellar, but you need to put new wines in your cellar. If you have a cellar with neat columns and rows you can label the columns with letters and the rows with numbers (as in a spreadsheet). Then you can, for example, put your new wine No. 605 in slot A5, and then enter A5 in the Comments line for wine No. 605. Now when you print out the listing for wine No. 605 you will see that it is located in slot A5. When time permits, then you can reposition your wines to be in proper numerical order. WINE CELLAR holds the information on 100 wines in each data file (called WC1.DAT, WC2.DAT, etc.). Each full data file requires 20,600 bytes of disk memory. The WINE CELLAR program (WC EXE) uses about 80K bytes. There are two small data files generated by the program; WCTOTDAT.DAT (15 bytes) keeps track of the total number of wines on file and the date the last entry or correction was made, and WCVARIAB.DAT (99 bytes) stores the variables needed for searching multiple files. A double-sided, double-density disk holds 362,496 bytes. Therefore, on a floppy disk you can hold the above working files plus 13 data files on your wines, or a total of 1300 wines on a disk. If you have more wines than this, you will need to install WINE CELLAR on a hard disk, where the number of records that you can store on your wines is almost unlimited. Alternatively, you can start a second floppy disk and start numbering your new wines from 1-1300 again, perhaps using a different color for the labels for numbering your new wines. 1-2 CHAPTER 2. MAKE A WORKING COPY OF WINE CELLAR USING A FLOPPY DISK. Prepare a specially formatted disk in drive B that carries the COMMAND.COM (i.e., with a DOS disk in drive A type: FORMAT B: /S). For more information on formatting disks, see your DOS Manual. Copy your new WINE CELLAR program (WC.EXE) from drive A to your formatted disk in drive B; type: COPY A:WC.EXE B: . Put your distribution disk away in a safe place. Put your copy of WINE CELLAR in drive A, and reboot the system (press Alt-Ctrl-Del all at once). When you see A> , type: WC , and WINE CELLAR will run. USING A HARD DISK. For those who want to run WINE CELLAR on a hard disk, first set up a special subdirectory, e.g., from the root directory (type CD\ ) type MD\WC to make a subdirectory named WC. Then type CD\WC to enter your new WC subdirectory. To transfer your new WINE CELLAR program to your hard disk, put yoor WINE CELLAR distribution disk in drive A, and type: COPY A:WC.EXE C: . Now type: WC and WINE CELLAR will run. 2-1 CHAPTER 3. MAIN MENU The Main Menu shows how many wines are listed in your WINE CELLAR, and the date on which the files were last updated. The current date and a running clock are also displayed. If no entries are made on the keyboard for about 3.5 minutes, the time display will go blank. This is done so that if you have a Screen Save routine in your computer it will work (usually after an additional 5 minutes after the clock in WINE CELLAR turns off). If you don't have a Screen Save routine (and some graphics boards don't support this type of program), then be sure to darken your screen if you are going to leave your computer turned on, but are going to be absent for an extended period of time. This practice will lengthen the life of your monitor. You are then asked to select what you want to do: (1) ENTER WINES? (2) CORRECT RECORDS? (3) SEARCH RECORDS? (4) PRINT RECORDS BY NUMBER? (5) EXIT to SYSTEM? If you want to display or print a record on a specific numbered bottle of wine, then enter No. 4 (PRINT RECORDS BY NUMBER). If you want to display or print files on wines selected by any other criterion, then enter No. 3 (SEARCH RECORDS). 3-1 CHAPTER 4. ENTER DATA ON YOUR WINES You are shown the number to use for your next bottle of wine. A full featured Line Editor is included in WINE CELLAR. When you enter data, the number of spaces available is shown by a line of periods. The Line Editor prevents you from entering more data than permitted in each data field. All entries of letters are automatically converted to capital letters. Some of the data fields permit the entry of any keyboard character, some data fields permit only numbers plus a period and a minus sign, one field allows only letters to be entered, and one field allows only the letters Y and N to be entered. If you press an incorrect key you will hear a "BEEP", and no entry will be shown on the screen. Several special keys are activated to help you edit your entries: or - Save entry as shown - Move to previous lines - Restore original text - Jump left one character - Jump right one character - Jump to front of line - Jump to end of line - Toggle Insert ON/OFF or - Delete current character For the color of the wine, R = red; W = white; B = blush; and RO = rose. When entering a case of wine, you certainly don't want to type everything over 12 times, and with WINE CELLAR you don't have to. WINE CELLAR has a repeat feature. After you type in all the information for the first bottle of wine, you will be shown the number for the next bottle of wine and will be asked to enter the Name Of The Winery. Since it is the same as the winery just entered for the previous bottle, just key Alt R (R=Repeat) and the entry for the previous bottle of wine will be entered for the current bottle of wine, and will be displayed on the screen. Continue this process for the rest of the entries. The COMMENTS line, however, does not have this repeat feature because you probably won't have any COMMENTS until you drink the wine. Just key if you have no COMMENTS. [Note: the Alt R keys will not work on the first entry of new session; just on the second and subseqent entries of a given session.] 4-1 Why do you need 12 entries for a case of wine? First, you need to keep track of how many bottles you have on hand, and second, the COMMENTS on the different bottles of wine in the case may change with time. For example, the COMMENTS for the first bottle of the case may suggest that the wine needs more aging before you drink the second bottle, and your COMMENTS will probably continue to change as the wine matures. If you want to make more comments than the 78-space COMMENTS line will hold, you can set up an abbreviation code system. You could assign numbers to mean different things, for example, the number 1 could mean "crisp", the number 2 could mean "sweet", etc. You would type in these numbers surrounded by asterisks, e.g., *1*4*13*22*44*. Then your search string would be a number surrounded by asterisks, for example, *11* . By entering asterisks and searching with asterisks, the computer can distinguish, for example, between 1 and 11 . After you have entered all of your wines into WINE CELLAR, we suggest that you print out a total list of your wines (use the PRINT ALL or PART OF FILE routine). Then print out a SEARCH for your wines by their color as a handy list for selecting your next wine to drink. Actually, you will probably find that you will use these "hard copies" more frequently than you will use your computer. The computer will be used mostly for updating your WINE CELLAR (i.e., adding new wines, and comments on the wines that you have drunk, etc.), for performing special searches, and for impressing your friends. 4-2 CHAPTER 5. CORRECT YOUR WINE LIST The screen shows you how many wines are on file. Then you are asked to enter the number of the wine that you want to correct. The computer then loads the correct file and prints the listings for the wine whose number that you entered. If a listing is incorrect then correct it using the Line Editor features (see page 4-1). If it is correct just key or and the original entry will be saved. If you mess up a correction, just key and the original entry will be restored so that you can try again. If you missed a line, just use the key to get back to the line that you want to correct. Then use or to get back down the list. After you have gone through all of the data fields for that wine, you will be asked if you want to correct another record in that same file of 100 wines. If the answer is YES, you will again be asked to specify the number of the wine to be corrected. If the answer is NO, then your corrected records will be saved, and you will be returned to the Main Menu. 5-1 CHAPTER 6. DELETE LISTINGS FOR YOUR WINES Since WINE CELLAR is set up to be a permanent record of your wine experience, there is no direct provision for deleting a record from the computer. However, what do you do if you break a bottle of wine before you have a chance to drink it? We hope that this doesn't happen, but if you do need to delete a wine, just use the CORRECT routine and delete the data in each field. The wine number will be saved so that you can enter another wine for this number by again using the CORRECT routine to add the new information. 6-1 CHAPTER 7. SEARCH YOUR WINE CELLAR The first Menu of the SEARCH routine asks you to choose whether you want to print the results of your search to the computer screen or to your printer. Just make the appropriate entry. Then you are told how many wines are on file, and how many files there are (N.B., There are 100 wines per file). You are then asked to choose which file you want your search to start with. As time goes by and, for example, you have already enjoyed the first 100 bottles of wine, you may not want the computer to search through these older records each time. This is why you are allowed to specify which file to start the search with. Then you are shown a list of all the data fields, and are asked to select which data field you want to search on (e.g., Name of Winery, Variety of Wine, Color of Wine, etc.) Then you are asked to enter your SEARCH STRING (i.e., the word or phrase to be searched for). If the search string contains more than one word, e.g., PINOT NOIR, then put a slash (/) between each word instead of a space, e.g., PINOT/NOIR. The Line Editor will convert all entries of letters to upper case letters. Be very specific in choosing your search string. If you just type in a partial name the computer will find it. For example, if you just type PINOT for the Variety Of Wine, the computer will print out all of your PINOT NOIRS as well as your PINOT BLANCS. Obviously, the more restrictive that the search string is the more exact and the faster your search will be. Yes, a large search string will be found faster than a small one. Then you are asked if the search is to be only among the wines that are currently in your cellar (if so, enter: 1), or among the wines that you have already enjoyed (i.e., still listed in the computer, but no longer in your wine cellar) (if so, enter: 2), or do you want to search through all of your wines, past and present (if so, enter: 3). The search then begins, and you are shown which File No. is currently being searched. When a wine is found that matches your search string, it is either printed on the screen or the printer, as you selected. Five wines are displayed on the screen at a time, and you are given the choice of continuing the display on the screen (key ) or of restarting the program (type: M ). If the computer doesn't find what you are searching for it will show on the screen *** NOT FOUND ***, DID YOU TYPE IN THE SEARCH STRING CORRECTLY? Try the search again. To stop the printer just turn it off. In a few moments the computer screen will show "Device time out ----" "Hit any key to return to system". Just hit any key, and then type WC , and the WINE CELLAR program will restart. 7-1 CHAPTER 8. PRINT A LIST OF YOUR WINES BY NUMBER SAMPLE PRINTOUT: 104 HEITZ CELLARS CABERNET SAUVIGNON R 67 MARTHA'S VINEYARD ST. HELENA, CA 0681 $8.50 12.5% N 8/27/85, GOOD NOSE, ASTRINGENT, FULL BODIED, EXCELLENT For an explanation of the various data fields, see page 1-1. The PRINT RECORDS BY NUMBER routine is especially useful when you want to print a partial list of wines, e.g., the wines that you just finished entering (e.g., wines 70 - 85) so that you can check for typographical errors, etc. If you want to print the information for a certain bottle number, or group of bottle numbers, then use the PRINT RECORDS BY NUMBER routine. If you want to locate wines by any other criterion and print a list, then use the SEARCH routine (Chapter 7). The first Menu of the PRINT RECORDS BY NUMBER routine asks if you want to display your list of wines on the screen, or to print it on your printer. If the latter, the screen warns you to turn on your printer. Your are then asked to specify which wines are to be printed. You are asked to enter the number of the wine to be printed first, and then are asked to enter the number of the wine to be printed last. If you only want to print the file on one bottle of wine, then enter that number twice, i.e., both for the number of the wine to be printed first and last. If you specified that you wanted the wines displayed on the screen, five wines at a time will be shown. You can continue the display by keying , or you can return to the Main Menu by typing: M . If you want to stop the printer, just turn it off. In a few moments the computer screen will show "Device time out ----" "Hit any key to return to system". Just hit any key, and then type WC , and the WINE CELLAR program will restart. 8-1 CHAPTER 9. SUBJECT INDEX Abbreviation Codes For COMMENTS ..................................... 4-2 Correct Your Wine List .............................................. 5-1 Data Fields Defined ................................................. 1-1 Delete Listings For Your Wines ...................................... 6-1 Enter Data on Your Wines ............................................ 4-1 Entering a Case of Wine ............................................. 4-1 Floppy Disk (using a) ............................................... 2-1 Hard Disk (using a) ................................................. 2-1 How Many Wines Will WINE CELLAR Hold? ............................... 1-2 Line Editor Explained ............................................... 4-1 Main Menu ........................................................... 3-1 Make a Working Copy of WINE CELLAR .................................. 2-1 Organizing Your Wine Cellar ......................................... 1-1 Print a List of Your Wines by Number ................................ 8-1 Repeating Entries in WINE CELLAR .................................... 4-1 Sample Printout of WINE CELLAR .................................. 1-1, 8-1 Screen Save ......................................................... 3-1 Search Your Wine Cellar ............................................. 7-1 Stopping Your Printer ........................................... 7-1, 8-1 What if You Break a Bottle of Wine? ................................. 6-1 9-1