FINDZZ PROBLEM REPORT FORM We would appreciate it if you would report any problems you may discover with the program or the manual. We will update the program and manual from time to time and your comments will help us eliminate errors from future versions. If you have an idea on how the program or manual could be improved or made easier to use and understand, we would appreciate your comments in these areas also. Please fill out all applicable sections of the form and send it to us at the address given below. Thanks for your help. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM: Use other side if necessary. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Has the problem occurred more than once?____________________ Program function being used when problem occurred.__________ ____________________________________________________________ I would like to see the following features added to the program or manual: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Computer Type______________________Disk Size________________ Name________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City________________________State______________Zip__________ Telephone including area code_______________________________ Mail to: AEIUS CORPORATION FINDZZ FIELD REPORT PO BOX 700457 SAN JOSE, CA 95170 Phone: (408) 257 0658