Disk No: 2018 Disk Title: LHarc and Utilities PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: LHarc & Utilities Author Version: 1.0 Author Registration: Zipnote $10.00, Mad $5.00, everything else free. Special Requirements: None. This collection of archive utilities can make you the tightest most effective archiver on your block. LHARC compresses tighter than any of the more common compression programs. It does take a little longer but sometimes space is far more important than speed. Included on this disk is 2LZH which converts ARC, PKARC, and ZIP files to LHARC format. LHDIR is a companion program for viewing and identifying compressed LHARC files and self-extracting LHARC. And if LHARC isn't all you need, the utility MAD (Mike's Archive Directory) can show you the contents of every popular archive type available and their self-extracting-executable (SFX) files. MAD currently supports ARC, PAK, ZIP, ZOO, LZS, DWC and LZH archives and all self-extracting .COM and .EXE files created by SEA ARC, PK-ARC, PAK, PK- ZIP, SEZ (zoo), LARC (lzs), DWC and LHARC (lzh). ZIPNOTE rounds out the collection as a better way to attach comments to ZIP files. This can be especially useful for BBS sysops who want to mark their ZIP files for free advertising. The flexibility in ZipNote is in that it allows a comment to either be typed from the keyboard, copied from an existing text file or a comment can be stored in a configuration file. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.