Disk No: 1946 Disk Title: Menu Master By Morgensen PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Menu Master By Morgensen Author Version: 1.2 Author Registration: $20.00 Special Requirements: None. MENU MASTER was designed specifically with ease of use and simplicity in mind. It can be set up or revised in just minutes, even if you have never used a hard drive before. MENU MASTER has a total of sixty entries available to you. Thirty on the first menu and thirty on the second. You may not need all of these but it's nice to know you have the capacity. MENU MASTER allows you to select either monochrome or color. MENU MASTER lets you view any entry that has already been set-up. In viewing you see the name that appears on the menu, the path to the subdirectory and the start up command you entered at setup. If you desire to move the positioning of the entry to another entry location you can. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.