Richard Metlen P.O. Box 3254 Culver City, Calif. 90230 PROGRAM TITLE: BINGO DETAILED PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The program picks numbers between 1 and 75, one number at a time, giving the number plus its line letter designation as in a regular bingo game. The program also keeps track of the called numbers, on a 'tote board' to be available to compare with the numbers on the winning card. The program also will print as many different BINGO cards as wanted to play with, upon request. WHO IS THE INTENDED USER? Anyone interested in playing BINGO. UNIQUE FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM: Ability to print as many different BINGO cards as is needed; silent running option for late at night, or other times when games are not supposed to be played. REQUIREMENTS: Program has no special system requirements, but having color capability would be advantageous. HOW TO START THE PROGRAM: type BINGO REGISTRATION FEE: No registration fee