Disk No: 1885 Disk Title: Conlog PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Conlog Author Version: 05/10 Author Registration: $20.00. Special Requirements: Dos 3.0 Recomm. In the world of the amateur radio operator, or Ham, documentation is a priority. There's a need to know who you have contacted, when you made the contact, the parameters of the frequency, etc. Recording this infor- mation calls for a lot of pencil pushing over several forms. CONLOG eases the finger cramp associated with radio logging by providing a single structured data entry screen for the radio operator. Working in the radio room, COMLOG accepts the log information field by field as the operator makes the call. Later, COMLOG prints the contact documentation on American Radio Relay League approved forms. COMLOG also prints radio statistics, including: Avg number of contacts per minute, Total contacts for each band, and number of contacts since last band change. CONLOG also provides a screen standby feature to avoid video burn-in, a DOS shell feature, and a notepad. The manual provides several sample data entry screens. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.