Disk No: 1857 Disk Title: USA Box PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: USA Box Author Version: 1.0 Author Registration: None. Special Requirements: CGA. USABOX is part of the Brandon's Lunchbox series of educational programs for 3 to 7 year olds. USABOX starts off with a package, a laser matter transmitter, a power requirement, and a destination state on a map of the United States. For example, it might take "25 pellets of power" to transmit a package to Oklahoma -- and you start off with zero pellets! Every time you press the space bar, 2 power pellets are added to your current power level. Your youngster must try and match the required power rating to successfully transmit the package. You'll see the package You'll see the package load into the transmitter, you'll hear the matter transmitter warming up, you'll see and hear the laser beam transmit the package across the United States ... then you'll see your package appear in it's destination state! USABOX helps introduce the states of the U.S. and their geographic position. It helps little users learn to count by two -- and also to watch a target value and notice when you're too low or too high! Finally, it introduces the notion of vectors -- the concept that a line has a value depending on its direction and length. Four variations on USABOX stress similar skills. In those games counting by five and choosing the destination state. The timing loops in the programs are based for the standard 4.7 Mhz PC processor. If you're using a faster machine, you may wish to place your machine in "slow" mode. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.