LOANPMT Ver 1.0, Copyright (C) 1989 by Data Language Systems, 9-1-89 This distribution disk contains the following files: 1. LOANPMT.EXE (Executable LOANPMT program) 2. LOANPMT.OVR (LOANPMT program overlay files) 3. LOANPMT.DOC (Documentation for the LOANPMT program) 4. INVOICE.DOC (Registration & Invoice forms) 5. EXAMPLE1.PMT (Loan payment file example #1) 6. EXAMPLE1.AMR (Loan amortization table file example #1) 7. README.TXT (This file) 8. README.BAT (Batch file to type this file). If you did not receive all of these files, you can obtain a 5 1/4", 360K floppy disk containing the latest version by sending $5.00 (for US, Canada, & Mexico), or $10.00 for all other locations, (in US funds only) to the address below. To run the program: A>LOANPMT To printout the documentation: A>COPY LOANPMT.DOC > PRN If you find this program useful, then register by sending $15.00 (US funds) along with the filled forms contained in the file INVOICE.DOC to the address below. MasterCard & Visa users may phone us at (317) 759-7367, 5:00PM-9:00PM EST. Thank you for your support, Don Swartz Data Language Systems (Please pass a copy) R.R.#1, Box 18A (of these files on ) Yorktown, IN 47396 (to a friend. )