DISKFILS.ARC-------This is an arced file. This file contains: RSDRAW.DOC--This is the documentation to Ready Set Draw. RSDRAW.EXE--This is the CGA version of RSDRAW. VGEGDRAW.EXE--This is the EGA version of RSDRAW. VGADRAW.EXE--This is the VGA version of RSDRAW. SAMPLE.xxx--There are two of these. They are sample pictures for (VGA-.VPC,CGA-.PIC) RSDRAW.MNU--Menu file for logitech mouse. MENU.COM--Menu driver for mouse. GO.EXE--Program to run RSDRAW and others. GROUNDS.EXE-Little adventur game. ------------files not in DISKFILS.ARC---------------------- ARCE.COM--To un-arc DISKFILS.ARC INSTALL.BAT--To install RSDRAW on your C drive [make sure there is 60k on you C drive.] README.1ST--Little instruction on INSTALL.