+ ออออ Compilation and Linkage ออออ The PANELS.OBJ set of routines has been compiled using the Microsoft C 5.1 Optimizing Compiler under a small memory model. The PANELL.OBJ was compiled using a large memory model. To compile your program (assuming it was written in Microsoft C) and link it with the Panels routines, the Microsoft C commands are: + cl /F 2000 YourPgm.c panels.obj Small model + cl /AL /F 2000 YourPgm.c panell.obj Large model Two batch files are provided, called SCOMP.BAT and LCOMP.BAT ,to issue this command. The /F option sets the size of the program stack for the executable file. This must be set to an adequate value. If another compiler is to be used, consult your user's guide for the command syntax. Be sure to include the file PANEL.H in your source code. *** End of Help Text ***