Disk No: 1685 Disk Title: Automatic Fortran Format Statements PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Automatic Fortran Format Statements Author Registration: $12.00 Special Requirements: None. FMT takes the drudgery out of writing FORTRAN FORMAT statements by automatically generating FORMAT statements for you. Simply use a word processor or text editor to create an ASCII file that looks just like the output you would like your program to produce. FMT turns your data into a set of FORMAT statements that can be pasted into your FORTRAN program. This is a great tool for any FORTRAN programmer. The input to FMT is an ASCII file containing the output that is to be transformed into FORTRAN FORMAT statements. The file should look just the way it is to appear on screen. FMT automatically adds the leading blank character required by FORTRAN. Digits are represented by carets. Floating point numbers are distinguished by the presence of a decimal point in the string. For example; ^^^^ becomes I4, ^^^^. becomes F5.0, and ^^^.^^^ becomes F6.3. Character data is represented with the tilde (~) character. For example; ~~~~~~~~ becomes 8A1. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.