Disk No: 1635 Disk Title: Task Master PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Task Master Author Version: 1.0B Author Registration: $20.00 Special Requirements: None. Looking for a slick alternative to XTree or your current DOS shell? TASK MASTER is an integrated set of utilities for disk, directory, and file management that gives you powers far beyond those of DOS alone. More than a simple DOS shell, TASK MASTER allows you to log up to 26 disk drives, then graphically display your tree of subdirectories for any disk drive. It also provides for multiple file functions including attributes and date/time changes, file security, and backup onto multiple diskettes You can even recall 20 stored DOS or TASK MASTER commands. The fully indexed user's manual will guide you through the power of this program. Perhaps the greatest strength of TASK MASTER is its ability to work with whole directories in ways DOS never dreamed of. You are able to copy, move, or delete a directory or multiple directories with a single step--as easy as working with individual files. File Descriptions: READ ME Introduction file for TASK MASTER. TM DOC User documentation file. INSTALL BAT Batch file to install TASK MASTER. EDIT BAT Batch file used to make edits. TM EXE Executable file for TASK MASTER. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.