Our Sun is a star and is the center of the Solar System. The Solar System consists of the Sun and several planets. Five planets were known to ancient heaven-gazers; now we know eight in addition to Earth. (This does not include the "minor planets," or asteroids.) In order of increasing distance from the Sun, the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto is 40 times as far from the Sun as Earth is. Jupiter, the largest of the planets, is 40 times larger than Earth in diameter. Venus is almost the same size as Earth. When viewed through good binoculars or a small telescope, Venus at her brightest shows a crescent shape, like that of the crescent phase of the moon. The reddish color of Mars is well known. With a small telescope, it is possible to see details on the surface. Some observers have called these "canals," and some have guessed that they were built by intelligent beings. Mars, like Earth and some other planets, has moons--two for the planet Mars. Jupiter has colored bands that can be seen with a small telescope, and the famous Red Spot. Jupiter has 11 moons, of which four can be observed with binoculars or a small telescope. The best-known feature of Saturn is its beautiful set of rings. Both Jupiter and Saturn rotate around their axes in about 10 hours-- a short day! Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the most distant planets, were all discovered after the invention of the telescope. In addition to its great distance from us, Pluto's small size-- about one-half the diameter of the earth-- makes it beyond the range of small telescopes. The planets have been of intense interest to mankind since earliest times, and now the exploration of space by rocket-launched vehicles promises more answers to more questions. In May of 1989, the month when this was written, the Atlantis spacecraft sent an exploratory vehicle to the farthest reaches of the planetary system. It will be fascinating to see what new wonders will be revealed in the heavens to which man has turned his eyes since earliest times.