B I M O D E M Version 1.10 (C) Copyright 1989 by ERIK LABS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Erik Labs 3431 W. Thunderbird Rd. Suite 13-311 Phoenix, AZ 85023 Modem: (602) 979-5720 Voice: (602) 942-5403 Thanks to Erik Labs for their kind permission to include BIMODEM in the GT POWER distribution package. It is a fine protocol and we are very pleased to be able to support it. And if you use BIMODEM you should support it also! The copy that you receive with GT POWER is _not_ registered. If you use it, you should register it. I believe the registration fee is $25. You should send it to Erik Labs at the address shown above --- the BIMODEM package does include a registration document with more detailed information. There is a Sysop deal also, you must call the Erik Labs BBS for more info on that. Regards, Paul Meiners 6/20/87