Disk No: 1399 Program Title: PC-LEARN version 1.74 PC-SIG version 1 Just got your first computer and haven't yet got it out of its box? Or, planning on getting a PC in the near future? PC-LEARN is for you! PC-LEARN opens the world of the personal computer to first time users. Basically, a collection of articles on disk, it covers all the essentials every new PC owner should know for getting the most out of their computer. Using PC-LEARN is simple; select a subject from the menu and read it on the screen or print a copy and keep it near your computer for reference. Subjects that PC-LEARN covers include: DOS for beginners, more advanced DOS, Batch files, Spreadsheets, Hard disk drives, Word processors, Computer history, Display standards, Upgrading a PC, Software resources, Computer words and what they mean, Modems and Telecommunications. Synopsis: Friendly, breezy guide for the first time user covering the essentials for getting the most out of your new PC. Usage: Education/Computing/Beginner. Special Requirements: None. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $12.00 brings updates and a bonus disk. File Descriptions: README Documentation file. MENU Menu file 1 BAT BAT Menu driver. 10 BAT BAT Menu driver. 11 BAT BAT Menu driver. 12 BAT BAT Menu driver. 13 BAT BAT Menu driver. 14 BAT BAT Menu driver. 15 BAT BAT Menu driver. 16 BAT BAT Menu driver. 2 BAT BAT Menu driver. 3 BAT BAT Menu driver. 4 BAT BAT Menu driver. 5 BAT BAT Menu driver. 6 BAT BAT Menu driver. 7 BAT BAT Menu driver. 8 BAT BAT Menu driver. 9 BAT BAT Menu driver. GO BAT BAT Menu driver. PCL BAT BAT Menu driver. VIEW COM Screen display drivers. BATCH TUT Tutorial file. DATABS TUT Tutorial file. DISPLSTD TUT Tutorial file. DOS1 TUT Tutorial file. DOS2 TUT Tutorial file. GLOSSRY TUT Tutorial file. HD TUT Tutorial file. HISTORY TUT Tutorial file. INTRO TUT Tutorial file. MAGS TUT Tutorial file. MODEM TUT Tutorial file. SOFTWARE TUT Tutorial file. SPREAD TUT Tutorial file. UPGRADE TUT Tutorial file. USERGRP TUT Tutorial file. UTIL TUT Tutorial file. WORDP TUT Tutorial file. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG Inc.