EthInves ver 2.0 The On-disk Almanac of Ethical Investing copyright 1988 Jerry Whiting PO Box 20821, Seattle, WA 98102 >>> >>> DETAILS <<< <<< EthInves is an shareware almanac that provides you with handy reference material on socially responsible investing. EthInves is distributed as both ASCII text-only files (MS-DOS) and MacWrite files (Macintosh). To begin using EthInves, just open the EthInves files with your favorite word processor or place the files into a PageMaker publication. You can print all or part of it out or use it as a handy on-disk reference when you need a specific piece of information. EthInves is packed full of information of interst to people who are concerned about how their investments are impacting the world around them. EthInves' files contain information about newsletters, magazines and books on ethical investment; financial profiles of socially conscious mutual funds, money market funds and other investment vehicles; and lists of utility companies involved with nuclear power plants. You'll also find the top 100 Dept. of Defense contractors, all the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) contractors, the companies that still do business in South Africa and much, much more. I strongly suggest you browse through the MISC file. :-) EthInves is shareware and you are encouraged to pass it on to friends, relatives and co-workers. Each copy includes an archived version to make uploading and downloading EthInves both quicker and cheaper. The necessary archiving and de- archiving utilities are enclosed. All I ask are two things of you: that you distribute all of the EthInves files in total without changing the contents and that it not be sold for more than the cost of reproduction and distrubtion. I still retain the copyright to EthInves. If you find EthInves of use, please become a registered owner for $20. Registration to this biannual almanac gives you a year's subscription. You get two copies: the one you have now and the next scheduled release. EthInves issues come out in January and July. I welcome feedback, suggestions for improvement and corrections of errors or omissions. Please tell me where you heard about EthInves. Many thanks to all of you who have helped me compile and distribute this material. I always appreciate your feedback. THE MATERIAL IN ETHINVES IS FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE NOR IS IT TO BE INTERPRETTED AS FINANCIAL COUNSELING. IT IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION; HOW YOU APPLY IT WITH YOUR MONEY IS YOUR BUSINESS. Jerry Whiting PO Box 20821 Seattle, WA 98102 Through many computer network gateways: [DE3MIR]jwhiting PeaceNet: jwhiting The WELL: jwhiting