Public Message to Bulletin Board Users: - Product overview: SERVICE PLUS [TM] Superb Five Star rating, California Freeware Catalogue, 7th Edition =====The Ultimate Maintenance and Service Call Tracking System!===== - Invaluable for these businesses or functions: heating/air conditioning repair, electrical maintenance, auto repair, computer/copier rental and repair, any equipment tracking or maintenance, plant preventive maintenance, plumbing, bus or taxi maintenance, any repair business with a service bay, any department that provides product service and support - Everything is on-line! Fast search capability Appointments: Ticker File Appointment schedules and graphics Billings/Expense Reports "Layer-in" ability of data ALL reports fit into a standard briefcase! - Be in control of your Maintenance. This program includes: Appointments, Billings/Expenses, Graphics image of your load of commitments/appointments, Free-form data search, and Reports! - with the ability to customize all screens to reflect the terminology specific to your industry. - Can clock and cost each activity in real time. - Create an 'Industry-specific' Help screen, with up to 15,000 characters of text about your industry accessible ANYWHERE in the program with one single keystroke. Create Service Tickets, Work Orders, or Invoices. - This program standardizes your Maintenance and Service Call information and converts forgotten verbal commitments into a focused, daily appointments and callback list that nets you extra business! - [files: MAINTA30.ZIP, MAINTB30.ZIP, MAINTC30.ZIP, MAINTD30.ZIP (doc)] - System requirements and program specifications: - Hardware required: IBM PC, PC-compatible, or MS-DOS computer 640 KB memory 2 floppy drives - Specifications: - DBASE III [TM, Ashton-Tate Corp] compiled (stand alone product, nothing extra required) - 1,000,000,000 records in the Master File 1,000,000,000 records in the Activity File 99,999,999 categories or "layers" of data -