Disk No: 1270 Program Title: SERVICE PLUS (Disk 1 of 2) PC-SIG version: 2 Maintenance and repair companies will find SERVICE PLUS a valuable system to organize, control and track service calls, and generate expense and billing reports. It converts often forgotten verbal commitments into focused, daily appointment and callback lists that result in extra business. SERVICE PLUS generates appointment schedules with a tickler file, and billing and expense reports that can clock and cost each activity. You can create an "industry-specific" help screen with up to 15,000 characters of text about your industry, accessible anywhere in the program with one single keystroke. SERVICE PLUS standardizes your maintenance and service call information. The following business types have found SERVICE PLUS a valuable system: heating/air conditioning repair, electrical maintenance, auto repair, computer/copier rental and repair, any equipment tracking or maintenance, plant preventive maintenance, plumbing, bus or taxi maintenance, any repair business with a service bay, plus any department that provides product service and support. SERVICE PLUS comes with a tutorial and is extensively documented. Please note that SERVICE PLUS is a two disk set and both disks are needed to run the program. The second disk in the set is #1271. Usage: Business/Database. Special Requirements: 640K memory, two floppy disk drives (a hard disk is strongly recommended). How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $99.00 File Descriptions: GO BAT Installation Batch file. MAINTA30 EXE Archived file. MAINTB30 EXE Archived file. PKUNZIP EXE Unarchiving program. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.