Disk No: 1257 Program Title: DISKWIZ version 1.31 PC-SIG version 1.1 DISKWIZ is a file manager for both floppy and hard disks, a printer setup utility program, and other useful things, too. Using a command station in pop-up windows, you can use simple control keys to perform a variety of functions better than with DOS alone, and a whole lot faster and easier. DISKWIZ displays file names (hidden and subdirectories too!) on any disk in alphabetical order, as well as disk size, free space, and number of entries; allows you to see any subdirectory or parent (root) directory with a single keypress; and provides easy file selection by highlighting with cursor keys--no typing of names! You may select up to 100 files matching a pattern (i.e., ".BAK") to work on at a time; view any file's contents on screen, including program & hidden files; display text files on screen with or without line numbers; make WordStar files legible; print text files with or without line numbers; condense printing with Epson type dot matrix printers; and find out word count, printable character count and line count for text files. DISKWIZ also lets you send your printer any special codes for print style changes, special characters, line feeds, form feeds, reset, etc.; typewriter emulation with printer for those quickie jobs like envelopes; switch between two printers (LPT1 and LPT2) and show which one is active; display all 256 PC/ASCII characters; display all 256 screen display colors/attributes; change cursor size (also restore it, if lost); and, a screen saver blanks monitor during non-use. A marvelous feature of the program is an interactive tutorial demonstration which leads you through the use of the program with lively sound effects and graphics. Usage: Disk Management and Printer Control. Special Requirements: None. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $5.00 File Descriptions: DISKWIZ ARC Arcived file containing files below (backup). DISKWIZ COM Main program. DWIZDEMO COM Demo program for DISKWIZ. DWMANUAL DOC Instruction manual for DISKWIZ. README DOC Small introduction file. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.