Disk No 1118 Program Title: SCREEN-DO version 1.0 PC-SIG version 1 SCREEN-DO enables you to design and create screens that can be used by BASIC programs. Each screen that is saved to the disk is 3848 bytes long and can be accessed through the BLOAD command in BASIC. SCREEN-DO simplifies the process of editing screens through a number of commands. There are cursor, line, and paragraph functions that allow the user to easily delete, insert, move, and copy certain sections of the screen. Another function displays the ASCII characters numbered 126 to 254 and lets the user display them on the screen. One option allows the cursor to be moved across the screen to trace a certain character selected by the user. SCREEN-DO has on-line help that makes it easy to learn, in addition to simplifying the designing of screens for use with BASIC programs. Usage: Text Editor. System Requirements: None. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $50.00 File Descriptions: RUN BAT Batch file that types the documentation to the screen. README How to get started. TYPEDOC EXE Types documentation to the screen in an easy format. PRINTDOC EXE Prints documentation. SDMANUAL DOC Documentation for SCREEN-DO. SD EXE SCREEN-DO, main program. SDTEST SCR Sample test screen for SCREEN-DO. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987, 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.