ANIMAL .BAS - Guess the animal game. ANIMAL .GME - Sample data file of animals for ANIMAL.BAS. BANNER .BAS - Make large banners on the screen. LBANNER .BAS - Make large banners on the printer. BARIC .BAS - Two person Tron like game. HAMURABI.BAS - Be king for a ten year term (game). PICTURE .BAS+- 3-D graphic demo (requires color/graphics). PINWHEEL.BAS - Animated program listing. KBD_FIX .BAS - Creates KBD_FIX.COM. KBD_FIX .COM - Increase keyboard buffer to 159 characters. DAY .PRG - dbase II program to find day of week. DATE .PRG - dbase II program to set date from system date. TIME .PRG - dbase II program to get system time. COMSTRIP.PRG - dbase II program to strip comments from other dbase II programs. GEMINI .ABS - Fix to use DOS 2.0 graphic dump on Gemini printer. CATALOG .TXT - List of files on this disk.