What causes Colic? The cause of colic is not known. COLIC IS PROBABLY CAUSED BY A NUMBER OF THINGS. Colic is a symptom that comes from discomfort. Many things going on in a young child can be the source of discomfort that results in colic. Even medical research has failed to reveal a single cause for colic. Everyone agrees that something causes it in a child but no one knows for sure which of many causes are responsible for colic in a particular child. The problems that result in COLIC are usually NOT serious and the child will outgrow them. Therefore, many pediatricians do not get overly upset about a child that has colic. They may offer some support and suggestions but say there is little that can be done about it. Since it appears to be associated with eating and with the process of digesting food, most research has focused on things that interfere with this process. Many physicians feel that the problem rests with what and how a child eats and that colic is cured by changing the diet or how a child eats. Other physicians believe that colic results from the immature digestive systems of some children. They believe that with more research, a medicine may be developed that will make up for what the child lacks in the system. A few doctors believe that some children are born with a predisposition to colic. That the parents pass it on to the child thru the genes and the result is a high-strung child born to high-strung parents. The result is a combination resulting in Colic. Still others believe that the environment that a child lives in may be too much for him/her to handle and that the over stimulation can result in Colic. They feel that the best way to handle it would be to insure a stable, calm environment. Almost everyone agrees that colic can not be cured but that it can be managed. Things can be done to enable a child to be more comfortable until the child outgrows the stage when colic occurs. Most are things parents can do with support. The medical treatments available treat only the symptoms. They do not cure anything but help a child to digest food and make it less likely to cry. Many of these medicines are used only as a last resort or for particularly serious cases. Colic is likely to have a number of causes, in general, but a single cause in a particular child. The most likely sources of the discomfort are: DIET FEEDING PRACTICES ENVIRONMENT TENSION BIOLOGICAL PREDISPOSTION IMMATURITY