What is Colic? Colic is not a disease! COLIC IS A SYMPTOM OR A SYNDROME A symptom is something a child shows that means that something is wrong. A syndrome is a set of symptoms with a pattern. When a child is showing colic there is: o A lot of crying o Pain and discomfort o Fussiness o Inability to be comforted That can go on for four or five hours straight. The problems that result in COLIC are usually NOT serious but They do cause a child a lot of discomfort and the constant crying can drive parents up the wall. Colic appears to be associated with eating and with the process of digesting food. Anything that disturbs the eating and digestive process can result in a child showing colic. Even things you might not think of like rapid changes or tension can result in colic. About one-third of all children show colic. It has nothing to do with- RACE COLOR CREED SEX PREMATURITY BLOOD TYPE In particular, it has nothing to do with the quality of care a child receives. Š Colic is not the result of a high strung child being mean or fussy. A child who is showing COLIC is saying by the the uncontrollable crying that he/she has a really bad tummy ache. A child can not control COLIC! Colic usually begins in the first weeks of life. It sometimes gets worse in the 4th to 6th week of life. Colic usually tapers off after 3 months of age. Colic rarely lasts past the 5th month of life. Colic is something that a child shows for periods of time: o Almost on a daily basis o Attacks lasting 15 mins to hours o Often gets worse between 5 and 10 p.m. A bout begins with discomfort or pain. A child attempts to relieve tension by crying. The crying becomes screaming. The screaming and the physical signs of pain continue until the internal discomfort ends. Colic is symptom or syndrome rather than a disease. It is the result of typically minor problems that result in painful things going on in the belly of an infant. An upsetting problem that goes away with time. Š