RE-STARTING YOUR COMPANION '); '); This version of your COMPANION stores the '); preliminary information you provided the '); first time you went through. '); '); COMPANION became customized to you. For '); others to use it they have to put up with '); your name and the information on your child! '); '); This allows you to go through many times with '); different answers. If you want to start over '); or share the program with others, type RESET '); at the DOS prompt and then press Enter. Your '); data will be lost and I will be as good as new!'); '); WHAT YOU SEE WHEN YOU USE ME '); '); I will give you several choices. '); '); Your choices appear in little boxes '); '); * Each choice box is numbered. '); '); * You make your choice by typing '); in the number and pressing ENTER. '); '); I read the number and then go to the section '); that you chose. When you are done with a '); section, I will return you to the last group '); of boxes that you saw. '); '); HOW MY PROGRAM WORKS '); '); I ask questions and you answer them by: '); '); * Selecting a number and typing it in '); followed by pressing the ENTER key. '); '); * Pressing the backspace key to erase any '); key you have typed before pressing ENTER. '); '); '); It would be best to go through any section in '); order, first through #1, then through #2, #3, '); #4, but you can take them in any order you '); like. '); '); '); ');