Disk No: 1087 Disk Title: Drivechk & Align PC-SIG Version: S2.1 Program Title: Drivechk & Align Author Version: 4.4 Author Registration: None. Special Requirements: Xidex/Dysan diagnostic diskettes. This package should occupy a prominent place on the reference shelves of any computer repairman! Just about everything you'd ever want or need to know about disk drive diagnosis and adjustment is included in DRIVECHK & ALIGN. The diagnostics provided are quite easy to learn and operate. However, be warned that both special tools and some level of hands-on technical experience in the repair field are necessary to use all the power built into this package! The two separate documentation packages included are very thorough and obviously written by an expert in the field of drive repair and adjustment. Subjects are approached in an understandable step-by-step manner. You can't go wrong at the price, even if you're a rookie who only uses the program for periodic tests of proper drive function. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.