Microsoft MS-DOS Version 5.0 Messages Reference Instructions: --------------- This document contains an alphabetical listing of the Microsoft(R) MS-DOS(R) version 5.0 messages and their descriptions. For other software messages, such as network or application program messages, refer to the documentation for your particular program. If you cannot find an MS-DOS message in this reference, check in the beginning of the reference. The message may begin with a replaceable parameter. A replaceable parameter is a place holder that is identified by a word enclosed in angle brackets < >. For example, in this reference, you may see the message " searched, subdirectories found." On your screen, you would see the bracketed words "number" replaced by a number. The same thing is true for a drive letter, filename, command, directory, utility, and so forth. What you see in this reference What you see on your screen ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Current time is