* * This is the default configuration for QEDIT. * Note that blank lines and lines starting with a comment are ignored. * ^BackSpace DeleteLeftWord ^A WordLeft * * Start of a TwoKey block - These aren't really all that hard, just * remember to: * -The key that you want to be the leadin key must be given the command, * 'TwoKey' (as below for ^B) * -The number of TwoKey commands associated with this leadin key MUST * appear on the next line by itself. * -List the keys/commands in the regular manner. * * * Secondary keys other than 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9' are NOT valid and will lead * to unpredictable results. * * ^B TwoKey 4 A AppendScrBuff L loadScrBuff S StoreScrBuff Z ZapScrBuff * * back to single key mode again * ^C PgDn ^D CursorRight ^E CursorUp ^F WordRight ^G DeleteChar * * ^H is the same as the BACKSPACE key * ^H BackSpace * * ^I is the same as the TAB key * ^I TabRight ^J JumpToLine ^K TwoKey 12 D Exit E EditFile F FileidChange N NextFile P PrevFile Q PQuitToSystem R ReadFile S SaveFile T SetTabWidth W WriteBlock X FileToSystem Z KillFile ^L RepLastFindOrRepl * * ^M is the same as the RETURN key * ^M Return ^N SplitLine ^O TwoKey 4 N NextWindow P PrevWindow S SplitScreen 1 OneWindow ^P ^Q TwoKey 7 A Replace F Find I ToggleAutoIndent L UnDoCursorLine O TabsOut T ToggleTabsExpand Y DeleteToEOL ^R PgUp ^S CursorLeft ^T DeleteRightWord ^U ^V ToggleIns ^W ScrollUp ^X CursorDown ^Y DeleteLine ^Z ScrollDown Esc Escape ^\ ^] ^6 ^- ^2 Shift-Tab TabLeft Alt-Q Exit Alt-W WriteBlock Alt-E EditFile Alt-R readfile Alt-T Alt-Y Alt-U UnMarkBlock Alt-I Alt-O Alt-P Alt-A Align Alt-S Alt-D DeleteLine Alt-F Alt-G GroupDelete Alt-H Alt-J Alt-K Alt-L MarkLine Alt-Z Alt-X GExit Alt-C CopyBlock Alt-V Alt-B Alt-N Alt-M MoveBlock F1 Savefile F2 SplitScreen F3 AddLine F4 DeleteLine F5 DupLine F6 MarkLine F7 MakeTopOfScreen F8 DeleteToEOL F9 Shell F10 PQuitToMain Home FirstOfLine UpArrow CursorUp PgUp PgUp LeftArrow CursorLeft RightArrow CursorRight End EndOfLine DownArrow CursorDown PgDn PgDn Ins ToggleIns Del DeleteChar Shift-F1 Shift-F2 Shift-F3 Shift-F4 Shift-F5 Shift-F6 Shift-F7 ShiftLeft Shift-F8 ShiftRight Shift-F9 Shift-F10 ^F1 ^F2 ^F3 ^F4 ^F5 ^F6 ^F7 ^F8 ^F9 ^F10 Alt-F1 Alt-F2 Alt-F3 Alt-F4 Alt-F5 Alt-F6 Alt-F7 Alt-F8 Alt-F9 Alt-F10 ^LeftArrow WordLeft ^RightArrow WordRight ^End BottomOfScreen ^PgDn BottomOfFile ^Home TopOfScreen Alt-1 Alt-2 Alt-3 Alt-4 Alt-5 Alt-6 Alt-7 Alt-8 Alt-9 Alt-0 Alt-- Alt-= ^PgUp TopOfFile