DOS 5.0 TUTOR II ******REGISTRATION FORM****** Copyright 1991 by G.H.S. I wish to register the following PROGRAM: ____copies of Dos 5.0 TUTOR, @ $9 (DM 16) each. For a total of: $______ or German Marks: DM______ ******************************* Please send the * G E R M A N Y, KRESSENWEG 2 * Registration to: * 2842 LOHNE i. O. * ******************************* Please make the INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER payable to CARSTEN BOCKSTETTE. ********************************************************* Please ship any updates to: (Please print) Name:_____________________________________________________ Street Address:___________________________________________ City, State/Province:_____________________________________ Zip Code:_____________ Country:_______________________ Please let us know what we could do to improve the T U T O R: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Thank you for registering the DOS TUROR 2.0.