NOTE 1: This File is no Documentation. I just uploaded this program and wrote this small text, because only a german Doc-File is included with VGA-Copy 4.5 . Maybe anybody will write a full english doc-file and send to me be email. NOTE 2: This program is released as shareware. Register ! European private users should send 30 Deutschmarks to the author Thomas Moenkemeyer. (Business-users DEM 50) Non-European-Users should register at Landmark-Software, USA What is VGA-Copy 4.5 ? VGA Copy 4.5 is the best Disk-Copy-Program I know. Some of its features are : - high speed disk-copys, -verifys, -formats in 1 pass - many different formats (to use them just put VGAREAD.EXE in your AUTOEXEC.BAT - only 200 Bytes of memory are used) including 1.44 MB on 5 1/4 " and 1.72 MB on 3 1/2 " Disks and Atari ST-Formats - new boot-sector for your disks: if booting from a vga-copied or -formated disk you'll be asked for booting from HD, from A: or from B:. A: and B: can be swapped - creates optimal sector-interleave on target-disk. Disk read/writes are up to 100% faster - SOUNDBLASTER-support for VGA-COPY messages (if you have better SB-Samples please send to me or to the author) - supports McAffee's Virusscanner - nice graphics under VGA (VGA Copy does also work under Hercules, EGA, CGA) - mouse support HINTS - Try out following keys: F1 to F12 Page Up/Down Home and End Insert and Delete - You should use a Ram-Disk as buffer to VGA-Copy. I personally use SRDISK, a free configurable XMS-Ramdisk (available on Simel20) SET TEMP=F:\ (or other Ramdisk-Drive Letter) - READ THE GERMAN DOCUMENTATION ! Frank Freese Ravensberger Str. 35 W-4800 Bielefeld 1 email