This is trial version of RESIDENTEVIL2, built at Oct 21, 98. Follow step by step to launch this. ...This application is taking advantage of DirectX6 or later drivers and Indeo codec version 5.06 or later. If don't have them installed on your machine, please install first. To do this is available on the launcher. ...Installer is no available from this application(this also means not installing anything). ...Any of setting you'd set up in this game is not remained but coming product has its function. ...Launch ResidentEvil2.exe. The following lines are 3D accelerater chipset name supported by this application. VooDoo VooDoo2 Rendition V1000 Rendition V2000 Mystique Mystique G200 Intel740 RAGE PRO RIVA128 Millennium 2 RIVA TNT Unknown device The following is key assign list. For use of sidewinder: A:Action B:Cancel C:Menu X:Action(same as A button. Y:Map Z:Option R:Draw weapon For use of Keyboard: Key Assignment set which can be re-assigned NUM8:up NUM2:down NUM4:left NUM6:right V:cancel A:map X:draw weapon C:action Z:menu Key assignment set which can't be re-assigned cursor up:up cursor down:down cursor left:left cursor right:right Enter:action Space:action Escape:cancel Function keys F2:Reduce amount of zombies and sprites(for low-spec user) F3:Turn Gama rendering condition(shading,mesh...) F4:Menu F5:Option F7:Turn resolution modes down in order. F8:Turn resolution modes up in order. F9:Reset/Terminate game. PrintScrn: Capture screen and save it into drive letter:/Program files/CAPCOM/RESIDENT EVIL2 CAPCOM all rights reserverd.