[group 0] [line1 10] Alpha Base 7 [line2 20] The new alien threat on this island must be destroyed. Alpha Base 7 is a key military base for Thermal Studies. If we lose it many months of work will be destroyed. Defend the base at all cost! [line3 30] Story Paragraph [group 1] [open1 100] Primary Objective : [open2 110] Destroy the Vrass Alien landing pad. [open3 120] Secondary Objective : [open4 130] Destroy these secondary Vrass buildings. [open5 140] Tertiary Objective : [open6 150] Build a miner and tug and gather 5000 units of Sentinel metal. [open3 160] Additional Information : [open4 170] We have dropped you very near the Terran base! [open5 180] INITIATING VR CONNECTION [open5 190] You need to destroy the Vrass Alien pad. [open5 200] You need to destroy the Vrass secondary buildings. [open5 210] You need to mine 5000 units of Sentinel metal. [open5 220] MISSION FAILED [group 2] [info3 120] MISSION COMPLETE [info3 130] Great work Commander. You have successfully defended the military base! [group 3] [info3 120] MISSION FAILED [info3 130] Commander, we have lost the base. We are doomed for enslavement. All hope is gone for human mankind!