Description of the File
++blu.idx | 12798
+blu.idx | 12795
.descs | 11915
blu.idx | 12347
blu.msg | 1185
blu000.arc | 101724
blu001.arc | 75829
| Misc Utils,Super DIR,IBM Asynch Comm,Support Ext,Display
blu002.arc | 78162
| 4 Asorted Microsoft basic programs
blu003.arc | 75195
blu004.arc | 63030
blu005.arc | 83429
| Microsoft Monstrous Startrek Programs
blu006.arc | 69902
| General Ledger, Monstrous Startrek
blu007.arc | 71989
| @ Ratfor (volumes marked @ require 8 bit support)
blu008.arc | 69941
| @Miscellaneous Fortran programs, Portraits
blu009.arc | 83452
| @Ebasic Compiler/Interpreter and programs
blu010.arc | 64686
| Monstrous Ebasic Startreks
blu011.arc | 67865
| Ebasic programs
blu012.arc | 67258
| Ebasic programs
blu013.arc | 61085
| @ Original adventure (350 points)
blu014.arc | 71017
| @ Bob Van Valzah's "Pascal Pascal Compiler"
blu015.arc | 53624
| @ ALGOL-M (language)
blu016.arc | 86779
| @ Miscellaneous Utilities extracted from SIG/M
blu017.arc | 90074
| @ Miscellaneous Utilities extracted from SIG/M
blu018.arc | 87296
| PC-TALK (comms Package), PACKMAN2, PC notes
blu019.arc | 83064
| PC-FILE(Database package)
blu020.arc | 77266
| Remote Bulletin board System, Miscellaneous Utilities
blu021.arc | 98426
| Cross Reference Util, Front-end Interface Util(Monitor)
blu022.arc | 96741
| Expanding the lister Utility for Basic Programs
blu023.arc | 78021
| RATBAS, Strip off WS file High Bits, Graphtrax Utility
blu026.arc | 76500
| 8087 Sampler programs
blu027.arc | 63306
| Kermit - PC/Mainframe Host Communications (1 of 2)
blu028.arc | 42650
| Kermit - by columbia University (2 of 2)
blu029.arc | 61709
| Miscellaneous BASIC PROGRAMS
blu030.arc | 71337
| Misc,Cryptography,Filling,Inventory,Mail list,Regression
blu031.arc | 88429
| PC-TALK lll(Communications Package)
blu032.arc | 56371
| 1PC-TALK lll documentation, Misc Communication Systems
blu033.arc | 92016
| Misc, Compression, Music, Dates, Sunrise, Plotting, etc
blu034.arc | 61197
| SUPERCALC Templates and DBASE ll programs
blu035.arc | 88181
| Miscellaneous Basic Utilities
blu036.arc | 45303
| IBM keyboard Drill System
blu037.arc | 83769
| MODEM 7 for IBM PC,WORDSTAR Mods, Misc utilities
blu038.arc | 74212
| Disk Directory Util, Squish Remarks, LOTUS 1-2-3 Mods
blu039.arc | 91570
| Word Processor, Memo Minder, History & Math drills
blu040.arc | 89211
| EPISTAT statistical package, IBM Modern Programs
blu041.arc | 98827
| Galaxy Trek with Graphics (also works with Monochrome)
blu042.arc | 71560
| A cheap Assembler, Electronic RAM Disk, Misc Utilities
blu043.arc | 77933
| Inventory/Order Control Package in DBASE ll
blu044.arc | 109135
| PC Graphics, by Eugene Ying
blu045.arc | 67524
| Bulletin Board System
blu046.arc | 197628
| Ringy Dingy Asynch Communications program, PC-FILE lll
blu047.arc | 174026
| Software Encipherment, Misc Utils, (From Capital PC)
blu048.arc | 96557
| Portfolio Evaluation, Graphics Draw,HiRes Screen Print, etc
blu049.arc | 192684
| Remote Bulletin board system: RBBS - CPC version 12.1
blu050.arc | 112406
| FREECALC - FULL spreadsheet program
blu051.arc | 132743
| TAX456 LOTUS 1-2-3 Template for calculating Income Taxes
blu053.arc | 187392
| PC-DIAL,PC WRITE Word Procs,PC Compare,File Managment
blu054.arc | 115004
| FIG FORTH(language) Vol 1 of 2
blu055.arc | 53402
| FIG FORTH(Language) Vol 2 of 2
blu056.arc | 94829
| Utilities For Use With LOTUS 1-2-3
blu057.arc | 190399
| Ultra Utils,Squeeze/Unsqueeze,Library update system
blu058.arc | 170819
| GENEALOGICAL Package and programs
blu059.arc | 89955
| EPISTAT v3.0 Statistical Package, PC compare
blu060.arc | 173777
| TEN-KEY, MEDIA Magician (limited versions) PC Musician
blu063.arc | 185390
| 1-2-3 Templates, Programmers Calculator, Typing Practice
blu064.arc | 183870
| Home Finance, Screen editor, Basic optimister, DOS 2 utils
blu065.arc | 169954
| MICRO accounts System, Mail Progs, Task Planning Program
blu066.arc | 198359
| Miscellaneous utilities
blu067.arc | 137618
| File Manager, Finance Manager, COMFAX Justify Program
blu068.arc | 185118
| DOS Mend Master.8086/8087/8088 Dissassembler, Misc utils
blu069.arc | 134986
| VIRTUAL Teaching language Interpreter
blu070.arc | 212404
| Disk file Catalogue Program
blu071.arc | 218630
| Encipherment System v1.53 PC DOS version
blu072.arc | 157197
blu073.arc | 160370
| Tips, Notes etc for IBM PC(Lots of useful data)
blu074.arc | 257307
| RBBS system, New "front end" for property manager, Utils
blu075.arc | 128700
| Full property Management program for real estate Dbase ll
blu076.arc | 145102
| Updated Comm systems, Xmodem, with Fortran Source
blu077.arc | 148173
| FIDO-NET Bhard System Ver9(col 1 of 2)
blu078.arc | 113110
| FIDO-NET Bulletin Bhard System Ver9(vol 2 of 1)
blu079.arc | 250007
| RBBS system PC v12.2 from washington Capitol User Group
blu080.arc | 152834
| Multi Function Util v2.0,Xlsip,fog finder,LBR utils
blu081.arc | 201484
| Misc Utils,Library utility,CWEEP(A MUST UTILITU0,etc
blu082.arc | 215723
| FORTH v2.1 (language)
blu083.arc | 165992
| FINANCE MANAGER(financial package)
blu084.arc | 174178
| LOTUE 1-2-3 Power Worksheets
blu085.arc | 197687
| GLUDRAW - Line graphics System
blu086.arc | 142044
| MS-DOS ROFF text Editor, Extended Batch Language
blu087.arc | 160712
| LISTMATE Mail Merge for MULTIMATE, Cheques System(fin)
blu088.arc | 218125
| FAMILTY TREE UTILITY Labels -n letters, Banner Generator
blu089.arc | 159787
| Disk copy,SPREADSHEET prog,Global Pathing Utility,etc
blu090.arc | 79850
| SUPERTREK (370 Mainframe Converted onto IBM PC)
blu091.arc | 111258
| see 90 (2 of 3) (With FORTRAN SOURCE)
blu092.arc | 170935
| see 90 (3 of 3)
blu093.arc | 123831
| Documents and Newsletters -PC & computer related items
blu094.arc | 189577
| Misc Uitls, Dbase ll program Mail-List,Xmodem etc
blu095.arc | 150716
| Fanastic Word Processor for kids,(Highly Recommended)
blu096.arc | 139365
| FIDO bulletin Board System Version 10 (1 to 2)
blu097.arc | 203594
| see 96 (2 of 2)
blu098.arc | 127069
| Bulletin Board system v12.2d.Vol 1 of 2 from Capitol PC
blu099.arc | 124784
| see 98 volume 2 of 2
blu100.arc | 124901
| U.S census Uitility County and City Data book
blu101.arc | 110610
| U.S census Utility volume 2 of 2
blu102.arc | 182300
| JUMPJOE2,Bouncing baby,3 dimension demon, Castle Adventure
blu104.arc | 161998
| Utils-disk,Backup,RAM disk,Libraries,Files plus Wstar customisation
blu105.arc | 150163
| LU updates,Screen Handling,SWEEP update for MSDOS,Unix emulator
blu106.arc | 182899
| Modem progs PC-talk lll for PCir,PC-talkk Ver 5,IBModem for PCjr
blu107.arc | 156871
| Kermit ver 2.26, QMODEM ver 2.87E
blu108.arc | 174589
| Extended Disk Directory v5.4,Dbase phone Util,Ext bat Lang v2.01b
blu109.arc | 203114
| Multi User RBBS-PC version 12.3b (systems disk)
blu111.arc | 192590
| Misc Utils- ASCII to 123 import,Encryption,Hebrew graphics,Epson utils
blu112.arc | 240178
| Utils-Amortization,Area code,Dbase menu generator,File utilities
blu113.arc | 175088
| Time & Money Financial monitoring system
blu114.arc | 216527
| PC-Talk lll assembler version,Qmodem (103a),Daily Diary
blu115.arc | 151290
| Screenwrite formatting prog,PC/Calculator v1.0
blu116.arc | 142531
| DBase ll Genealogy,Church management,Checkbook management etc
blu117.arc | 209035
| Genealogy Package
blu118.arc | 210883
| Comms-PC0Talk (EXE vers) Host lll v1.1 Qmodem v1.04
blu119.arc | 131528
| Newkey v2.13, Kermit v2.27, System reset
blu120.arc | 171038
| Financial Progs, New Fonts, Menu generator
blu121.arc | 195236
| General Ledger, Multiplan Consolidator, Misc utils
blu122.arc | 119348
| Symphony applications, Medical & Banking worksheets
blu123.arc | 98671
| 123 Graphoics Printer, Library, Symphony Insurance Lib
blu124.arc | 145782
| Lotus Worksheets, Macro conversion aid
blu125.arc | 111967
| 3 by 5 v1.0 information management system
blu126.arc | 242995
| File Express v2.95 info management system vol 1 of 2
blu127.arc | 159064
| File Express vol 2 of 2
blu128.arc | 152407
| Prolog vers 1.32 artificial intelligence language
blu129.arc | 125609
| XLISP language vers 1.4
blu130.arc | 218031
| PC-WRITE word processor ver 2.4
blu131.arc | 126081
| PC-Dbms User supported database management system
blu132.arc | 211037
| ORIGAMI the Japanese art of paper folding
blu133.arc | 145368
| Personal Management systems DESKMATE & PARTNER
blu134.arc | 41477
| KRAFT PAINT uses joysticks to paint on screen
blu135.arc | 204889
| PC MAGAZINE benchmark laboratory series no 1
blu136.arc | 20365
| Personal Accounts Manager vol 1 of 2
blu136.bwr | 603
blu137.arc | 114155
| Personal Accounts Manager vol 2 of 2
blu138.arc | 245948
| RBBS bulletin board system v12.5a vol 1 of 2
blu139.arc | 167252
| RBBS vol 2 of 2
blu140.arc | 202859
| Terminal Emulator and Host System JUDY 1.01 desktop
blu141.arc | 206204
| Qmodem v1.07, PC-CALC, Software power on reset
blu142.arc | 218052
| Utils-ARC v4.3,encryption, List, BR, Sort, Vfiler etc
blu143.arc | 237669
| PC-TAK lllv2.6, emulator, BUTLER auto modem prog
blu144.arc | 225034
| Utils, BLY utils, Cipher, PCSWEEP with SQ,USQ & LBR
blu145.arc | 178392
| 123 to Dbase lll convert, 640k on XT motherboard
blu146.arc | 136917
| XLISP v1.5
blu148.arc | 311649
| Database/Spreadsheet Expert System vol 1 of 2
blu149.arc | 344690
| Ditto vol 2 of 2
blu150.arc | 235009
| Flow System & interpretive/interactive Pascal
blu151.arc | 200654
| Utils-add drive, Copy bad tracks, Window, LBR, rename
blu152.arc | 137221
| Confidant, v2.0 encrryption system, Symphony macros
blu154.arc | 154763
| SDB v2.0 Database system & small C COMPILER
blu155.arc | 302031
| RBBS PC bulletin board system v12.5b part 1
blu156.arc | 204787
| Ditto part 2 not yet available
blu157.arc | 138716
| PD PROLOG by Automata Design Associates
blu158.arc | 345306
| Analyticalc Integrated Spreadsheet vol 1 of 2
blu159.arc | 289320
| Ditto vol 2 of 2
blu160.arc | 212026
| Genealogy on Display v3.1
blu161.arc | 261902
| FANSI CONSOLE v1.11/1.13 console driver for IBMPC
blu162.arc | 195568
| DOS assistant, Omniedit, Letterfall typing tutor, XRAY
blu163.arc | 142757
| not yet available
blu164.arc | 143268
| not yet available
blu165.arc | 230609
| not yet available
blu166.arc | 171386
| Progs for simple Algebra
blu167.arc | 279856
| PC-WRITE v2.55 (replaced with version 2.4)
blu168.arc | 195479
| PBASE database system, PC-Recipe, Flowchart, Dbill
blu169.arc | 190557
| LEARN creative computer aided instruction, Mailman
blu170.arc | 205888
| PIBTERM modem comms emulator, Batch Modem Butler
blu171.arc | 96159
| ESSCREENS create color graphics screens
blu172.arc | 168916
| Itils Fast Format, DB ll screen maker, Multiformat
blu173.arc | 158695
| CHIWRITER scientific notastion wqord processor
blu174.arc | 152709
| ESIE Expert Interface Engine, CRCBUILD etc
blu175.arc | 178319
| PROINDEX indexing system for text files, QModem v1.12
blu176.arc | 185691
| The expert knoledge based system
blu177.arc | 178394
| Letterwriter v2 address book, Dosamatic v2 Diskit repair util
blu178.arc | 168804
| Cavequest like temple of Asphai. War simulation, Turtle graphics
blu179.arc | 245387
| PC Magazine Laboratory series #2, benchmark programs
blu180.arc | 164583
| ACCUTAX 86 tax preparation software
blu181.arc | 251120
| PC-KAT v2.1 super high capacity disk cataloger
blu182.arc | 171594
| Freeword v1 word processor, Cut/Paste, Notepad (mem res)
blu183.arc | 266259
| PD Prolog v1.8 Public Domain version of Prolog with programs
blu184.arc | 155291
blu185.arc | 159149
| Z80 CP/M 2.2 Emulation operating under MS-DOS
blu186.arc | 184471
| NY Word v1.1 WSID Wordstar file ID index system
blu187.arc | 191852
| Qmodem v1.13 comms package, Vintro, NEC v20/30 tutorial
blu188.arc | 32839
| LISP interpreter by Marc Adler & NY Word v1.2
blu191.arc | 212813
| Qmodem v2.0 wonderful comms package
blu192.arc | 208646
| ICON(Snobal like high level language)
blu193.arc | 222223
| Colossus Bulletin board system
blu194.arc | 276723
| Kermit v2.28 with assembler source and docs
blu195.arc | 179905
| EC Forms generator and PC Font v2.04
blu196.arc | 119085
| Food analysis (see how healthy your diet is)
blu197.arc | 252217
| DBS Kat v1.3 disk cataloger
blu198.arc | 290104
| RBBS Bulletin board system v14.1a disk 1 of 2
blu199.arc | 324709
| RBBS Bulletin board system v14.1a disk 2 of 2
blu200.arc | 164287
| Procomm v2.3 the best comms package
blu201.arc | 181788
| Still river DOS shell, Wagner File Utility
blu202.arc | 213268
| PC Write v2.4 Excellent word processor
blu203.arc | 172294
| Reliance, mailing list program v2.0
blu204.arc | 231346
| PC Rim, Mainframe type database program disk 1 of 3
blu205.arc | 193297
| PC Rim, Mainframe type database program disk 2 of 3
blu206.arc | 76752
| PC Rim, Mainframe type database program
blu207.arc | 255809
| MR Bill, billing system disk 1 of 2
blu208.arc | 237073
| MR Bill, billing system disk 2 of 2
blu209.arc | 222398
| CK, Income and expenditure tracking system disk 1 of 2
blu210.arc | 236465
| CK, Income and expenditure tracking system disk 2 of 2
blu211.arc | 297097
| Analyticalc, sophisticated spreadsheet disk 1 of 2
blu212.arc | 340519
| Analyticalc, sophisticated spreadsheet disk 2 of 3
blu213.arc | 306431
| Analyticalc, sophisticated spreadsheet disk 3 of 3
blu214.arc | 65538
| REC, Regular Expression compiler disk 1 of 2
blu215.arc | 172511
| REC, Regular Expression compiler disk 2 of 2
blu216.arc | 284272
| Pianoman v3.0 create and save music on a PC
blu217.arc | 170183
| PC Key Draw, Keyboard to screen graphics
blu218.arc | 221067
| Genealogy on display v4.0
blu219.arc | 138615
| PC Ham, loads of ham radio utils
blu220.arc | 282266
| Toxic gas on emergency program
blu221.arc | 280578
| RBBS 14.1b, Remote Bulletin Board System, disk 1 of 2
blu222.arc | 302059
| RBBS 14.1b, Remote Bulletin Board System, disk 2 of 2
deboo.exe | 10490
| | 38731
pk361.exe | 119600
pkpak.msg | 1422