Win32s is a Microsoft® program designed for Windows® 3.1* which allows you to run certain 32-bit programs (programs for Windows® 95 or Windows® NT) on a 16-bit "operating system" (Windows® 3.1*). In order to run TSRDemo.exe on Windows® 3.1*, you must have a recent release of Win32s installed on your system. (If you are not sure if you already have Win32s, look for a Win32s directory in your Windows directory. Example: C:\Windows\System\Win32s). If you do not have Win32s installed on your system: Installing Win32s (or Ole32s): 1) Start Windows®. 2) From the file manager, look in the directory named "disk1" (The "disk1" directory is in the same directory as this Readme file). 3) From the "disk1" directory, run Setup.exe 4) Follow on-screen instructions. If you already have Win32s installed on your system: Try running TSRDemo.exe If TSRDemo.exe does not run, or if some parts of the program do not run, you may need to update to a newer version of Win32s. Replacing your old Win32s: Note: Removing your old Win32s could cause problems. Do so at your own risk. 1) Delete your old Win32s directory. It can be found in your Windows\System\ directory. 2) If you deleted the Win32s directory from within Windows®, you must re-start Windows® at this point. 3) When Windows® tries to re-start, there will be a warning in which you are asked to check your system.ini file. Press any key. 4) From the file manager, look in the directory named "disk1" (The "disk1" directory is in the same directory as this Readme file). 5) From the "disk1" directory, run Setup.exe 6) Follow on-screen instructions. Virtual Memory settings in Windows®3.1*: 1) From the Control Panel, double left click on the "enhanced" icon. 2) Left click on the "Virtual Memory..." button. 3) Left click on the "Change>>" button. 4) The "New Size" must be set to at least 17500 KB on an 8 Meg system for all of the bitmaps in TSRDemo to appear properly. Systems with more than 8 Megs of RAM may use lower settings for Virtual Memory, but you must have at least 4000 KB of virtual memory for Win32s to work correctly. Virtual memory uses hard disk space as memory. You must have the proper amount of free hard drive space to increase your virtual memory settings.