SIN Demo QUICKQUIDE.TXT Quick Guide to Sin a. The Basics -------------- The default configuration for Sin assumes that you are using a keyboard and a mouse for your control. Think of the keyboard as controlling your body, and the mouse controlling your head. With the keyboard, you can walk forward, backwards, and from side to side. With the mouse, you can look up, down, left and right. When you combine the two, you are able to move and look in any direction you wish. This provides the most accurate method of aiming, which is essential for playing Sin. Using the menus, you can change your settings to be whatever you like. See Section V. When you start Sin, it will prompt you for a login name. Simply type in your player name, and Sin will store your saved games and configuration under that name. Other friends and family members can logon with different names, as well. The default keys are as follows: W -Walk forward S - Walk backwards A -Strafe left (sidestep left) D -Strafe right (sidestep right) C - Crouch U -Use Space -Jump Enter -Use Inventory Item [ - Previous Inventory Item ] - Next Inventory Item Mouse1 - Fire Mouse2 - Strafe Mouse3 - Walk forward / - Next weapon F1 -Mission Status F2 - Inventory b. Movement and General Controls --------------------------------- Walking: Use the four arrow keys or the mouse to walk around. To walk Page 1 SIN Demo QUICKQUIDE.TXT steadily forward, hold down the forward key (W or Mouse3). Turn left or right by sliding your mouse in the direction you wish to turn. Running: To run, simply hold down the RUN (left Shift) key to increase your speed. If you prefer to always run during the game, open the Main menu, then the Controls menu, then the Game Options menu, and select Always Run. Vehicles: Within Sin, you can occasionally drive or ride in different vehicles. Depending on the vehicle, you may have no control over the direction or speed at which you're travelling. Shooting: Press the ATTACK button (left mouse button) to fire. Hold the ATTACK button down to keep firing. Note that shooting different body parts in Sin causes different amounts of damage. Thus, shots to the head will kill an opponent faster than shots to their body. You can immediately tell when you've hit an enemy, since the body part you hit shows damage. Looking Up and Down: Sin has Mouse Freelook enabled by default. By simply moving your mouse forward or backwards, you are able to look up and down. You can change this behavior through the Player Controls menu. Ducking: Press and hold down the CROUCH (C) key to duck. You can also push your forward button while ducking to crawl forward. When you release the CROUCH (C) key, you will return to an upright position. Jumping: Simply hit your JUMP key (Spacebar) to jump. You jump farther if you're moving forward at the time or if you're running. You jump higher if you're moving up a slope. Strafing: Use the STRAFELEFT (A) and STRAFERIGHT (D) keys to sidestep to the left or right. This is nearly essential for avoiding incoming projectiles, or gun blasts from enemies. Picking Up Objects: To pick up items, weapons, and power-ups, simply walk over them. If you are unable to pick something up, it means you already have the maximum amount possible for that object. Using Objects: To open doors and use objects in the world, simply walk up to the object and press the USE (U) key. Reloading: To reload your weapon, just hit the USE (U) key while away from any walls or doors. This will re-fill the entire clip for that weapon. Looting Your Kill: After you kill an enemy, move over it's body and if they are carrying anything it will show up on the screen. While standing over them, press the USE key (U) to strip them of items, armor, and health. Any weapons they drop you can pick up by walking over them. If you are unable to pick something up, it means you already have the maximum amount possible for that object. Armor: Both you and the enemies you face can wear armor. It provides protection from being shot, and is area-specific. Thus, a flak jacket only protects your torso, and a helmet protects your head. This also applies to enemies. While shooting an enemy, if you don't see wounds Page 2 SIN Demo QUICKQUIDE.TXT and damage appear on the area you shot, it's probable that he's wearing armor. Once you've depleted the armor, you'll be able to do real damage to the enemy. Selecting Items in Inventory: Use the arrow keys to cycle through items in your inventory while in the inventory screen (F2). Press the Escape (ESC) key to select a highlighted item. Consoles: Throughout the game, you'll encounter computers and machines that you can interact with. Simply walk up to the computer and hit the USE key (U). You can then control the menus via the arrow keys, and even type things on some consoles using your keyboard. To exit a console, simply hit Escape (ESC). Mission Status: Hitting your Mission Status (F1) key will show your current mission objectives. It will be automatically updated with information as you accomplish or fail various mission objectives. Talking: To communicate with other players in multiplayer, press the TALK (T) key and type in your message. Press Enter when finished and your words will appear at the top of the screen. c. Dying --------- Each time you enter a level Sin automatically saves the game. When you die, press the Enter key to pull up the Load Game menu. Select the first game name on that list to restart at the beginning of the last level you entered. d. On-Screen Information During Gameplay ----------------------------------------- HUD: You, as John Blade, have a digital Heads-Up-Display integrated into your glasses. It has the ability to be dynamically updated with a wealth of information, including updates from your side-kick, J.C., and your current health and ammo status. Status: Your status is shown as icons floating in your view at the bottom of the screen. There is an indicator for your health, armor, ammo for the current weapon, and currently selected or readied item or weapon. Picking up items: When you pick up something new, an icon will briefly appear at the bottom of the screen with a picture of that item. To view your entire inventory, press the Tab key. Maximizing the screen (+ key) may remove the Status Bar from your viewing area. To get it back, simply press the - key. Crosshair: Your HUD displays a crosshair on your field of view. This is almost essential for proper aiming. Messages: Your HUD also displays messages about your current situation. Some messages appear at the top of the screen. These are non-critical, and tell you that you've picked up an object, or you've died in an interesting fashion (multiplayer games). Certain messages Page 3 SIN Demo QUICKQUIDE.TXT will appear in the middle of the display. These are always important, and you do not want to ignore them! Examples are "You Need_" and a picture of the item, or "Crouch here," etc. Console: Pressing the tilde key (~) will pull down the Console window. This is a special area that lists all of the game messages, and allows you to give Sin commands that cannot be entered through the menu. This is intended for advanced users only. Inventory: Press your INVSHOW key (F2) to access your inventory. Use the arrow keys to move through the list. Once you've selected the desired item, hit Escape (ESC) to return to the game. That item is now your primary item and your status information will update to show an image of it. Press the INVUSE (Enter) key to use a highlighted item. Weapons and items are "readied" in this manner. For example, you can select or ready an item before engaging the enemy. Then at the appropriate time you can quickly use that item by pressing the INVUSE (Enter) key.